Friday needs a little fun.
Sometimes Homer nods and sometimes Google translate applies the soporific!
From the other day via Google and HERE
Ummm… something was lost in translation. Thanks, Google, for the chuckle!
And there’s this, which I picked up via my friend Greg DiPippo. In Vatican Insider we find coverage of the Pope’s trip to parts Egyptian. And this isn’t with Google’s help (at least on my “end”).
Okay, Holy Father. I promise never to do asses, or even a single ass, on Christian perfection.
Seriously, the Italian text said: “non fate esami di perfezione cristiana… don’t give quizzes in Christian perfection”.
That said, I think the clergy should set bars that are… not low.
That reminds me of our priest’s homily at Church this past Sunday. He was struggling for the words he wanted to say, then said, “…poop theology…. Sorry, bad theology, I couldn’t think of the word I wanted.”
Does the headline say, “Do not be more papist than the Pope”?
Being of partially Swiss descent, I would like to put my name on the waiting list to join the “Papal Swiss Guerilla” force mentioned above.
I think, for the general Catholic calling,
clergy should set the bars as low as they possibly can.
(It goes without saying that the morally impossibly is to be taken as physically impossible.)
Please, please, please let me “swear by Pope Francis.” I’ll even do it in Schwyzerdüütsch : ) !
Matt 21:2 DRV
. . . probably one of my relatives.
At the risk of being banned-for-life from these precincts for ReallyBadHumor, my first thought was that “poop theology” is what you get when you have so many asses producing it! I’d better be careful lest this spin-off into a discussion of a certain 16th c. German friar ;-)
Once more the Holy Father dons his armor and enters the field of battle against an army of straw men. And once more he emerges victorious.