Please rush over to the UK’s best Catholic weekly and read the great article by my friend Fr. Alexander Sherbrooke, of St Patrick’s at Soho Square in London.
Fr. Sherbrooke is a priest’s priest, who has done amazing things in his challenging central London parish. Among other things, at his splendid church, there is a kitchen for needy and a 365 hotline for people in crisis or who have prayer petitions. Those who answer, speak to the caller while before the Blessed Sacrament.
I like to think that Ven. Fulton Sheen is watching over the place. He lived there during his London sojourn.
Father has written about the importance of Eucharistic Adoration.
Fathers! Read his article.
Lay people! Read and bring the article to the attention of your priests, especially if you do not have Eucharistic Adoration where you are.
“Adoration stands as an antidote to the noise and busyness of our world. As we hear from the account of Elijah at Horeb, the Lord was not in the mighty wind, fire or earthquakes but in “the gentle breeze” (1 Kings 19: 9a, 11-16).”