@LMSChairman Joseph Shaw on relentless marginalization of “trads”

Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society in the UK, is doing some heavy lifting.  Thanks to my friend Fr. Tim Finigan – biretta tip o{]:¬) – I spotted this twitter thread of some 10 tweets in which Shaw addresses how marginalized in the Church are those who prefer traditional liturgical worship, et al.  There’s food for introspection hereunder.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. mysticalrose says:

    This is an excellent thread. I have a priest friend who says that in the modern Church, you can do anything, as long as you don’t GO BACK. All manner of things, from balloons to puppets to pizza, everything EXCEPT what is traditional. How can one see this as anything other than diabolical?

  2. nasman2 says:

    I actually had a friend who’s never been to an EF send me this:
    It helped explain a fair amount to them. It’s difficult for those who have no real RECENT church history to frame any of the work of St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI in regards to the wider availability of the EF. It’s lost on them. This is due mostly to local diocesan print media never covering anything controversial. I call this “Everything is fine” coverage. It’s also rife with omission.

    I can only hope that in sharing the article with me there was a realization that something is happening in the Church and ‘Traddys’ aren’t just nut jobs. It just may be the realization that a purer Catholic identity needs to be rediscovered.

    There is an accusation that the Traditional movement fosters a ‘holier than thou’ attitude. I used to be defensive about that, but it turns out this isn’t the case. Those that make the accusation actually fear they might have to dig deeper into what their Faith actually teaches and it is this that causes them to lash out.

    I’m comfortable in knowing I’ve attended all manner of liturgies and can compare and contrast. Many who accuse Tradition cannot do the same. But I sense MAYBE, at least in America, we may have turned a corner.

  3. Athelstan says:

    “I call this “Everything is fine” coverage.”

    A perfect description of virtually *every* diocesan newspaper. Sadly.

  4. Fr_Sotelo says:

    We’ve only learned that directing insults at whole categories of people is not medicine, under Pope Francis? In Catholic history, if it hasn’t been past popes, it has been cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and others who have directed insults at whole categories of people.

    And it isn’t as if Our Lord did not warn us that we would be persecuted for the sake of righteousness. Recently we have been reminded of St. Mary MacKillop, who in the good old days of The Glorious Church, was excommunicated because she exposed molestation in the Church.

    Fighting for the truth, in doctrine and in the liturgy, has never been for the thin-skinned and insecure. Yes, it gets tiring, but that is why Jesus said the Cross had to be picked up every day, not for two weeks or a month only.

  5. RLseven says:

    But it’s ok for Trads to bash and trash Libs? Just sayin’– I’ve seen it here. A lot, actually. It’s NOT ok– from either side. We can all do better.

  6. RLseven says: Uphold immorality, antinomianism, intellectual dishonesty, and the trashing of tradition and you deserve to be called out.

    This isn’t a game of bean bag at garden party.

    And some people would call the correction of a child about to stick a butter knife into an electrical socket “bashing”, but they’d be wrong.

  7. Semper Gumby says:

    Well done to Joseph Shaw.

    He recently had a Twitter exchange with two preening leftist women who claim that “traditionalists” provide a “nice, cozy home” for anti-Semitism. And…if you disagree with that Penetrating Analysis Backed By Voluminous Data then you, too, are an anti-Semite.

    Well, those two Libs must be really outraged at leftist catholics who support Islamists and leftist catholics who support the BDS movement. Hamas and PFLP are involved in the BDS movement.

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