Here is ADVENTCAzT 02, for Monday in the 1st Week of Advent.
Today Bp. Schneider talks about how Christ’s friends make Him suffer, Fulton Sheen reflects on how God would work in us and the Lord describes something of the End Times.
These 5 minute offerings are a token of gratitude especially for my benefactors. Thank you! Chime in if you listened.
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PS: These podcasts should also be available through my iTunes feed, though maybe not immediately. Let me know how you are listening. Through the plugin on this post? Through iTunes? Downloading? Did you enjoy what you heard? DONATE
How often do we, as Christ’s Children and friends hurt and wound him with our sins? Let us all heed Father Zuhlsdorf’s regular exhortation for us to “GO TO CONFESSION” this Advent season.
Thank you, Father Z.
Thanks, Father!
The Bishop Schneider quote even gave me ammunition for my dissertation.
From which book or source is the quote from Fulton Sheen taken? Love it. Thank you.
Thank you, Father! I listen from the post.
Thanks Fr. Z. Fulton Sheen is inspirational, as always. May I suggest, a selection of Richard John Neuhaus, thank you.
p.s. Great excerpt from Bp. Schneider. Christus vincit.
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