It is the Feast of the Sacred Heart! Were you able to go to church today?
It may be that you went to church for Mass. It may be that you heard a sermon via the internet.
Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for this wonderful feast, either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was.
Also, let us know about church openings and Masses in your area.
For my part…
I just left Mass. We’ve been able to have Mass for a couple weeks now, but we’re not allowed to receive communion on the tongue. The bishop gave our priests permission to offer Mass without communion for the faithful, which I particularly missed today.
Our priest just reviewed the promises of the sacred heart very briefly. The promise about blessing all of one’s endeavours seemed to strike me, especially Since I recently was put in charge of fundraising for one of the choirs I’m in, that is moving in a more Diversity, Inclusivity direction (if you catch my drift), which is apparently expected and required by our donors and funders, and not really something I can participate in. Not sure how this will all work out.
I am really enjoying and learning much from your fevorinos. Thank you. I hope you continue with these Masses via YouTube even after this COVID pandemic subsides. They have become another way for you to preach in addition to your Collect essays of many years.
I offered a Solemn High last night and everyone received on the tongue. No one may ban Communion on the tongue. It’s the normitive way to receive. What’s wrong with these people.
Here in NJ, we have very limited Masses. Plus, I want to attend holy Mass, but my wife is hyper-cautious about the (fake) pandemic and has made it abundantly clear I will NOT go to any church service without her permission. If I dare defy her, there’s a better-than-even chance the house locks could changed while I was out.
Need some prayers on this one, Father. I need Confession; however, the temptation to despair is strong.
Our Sacred Heart Mass was a midday Mass to mark the close of our parish’s chant camp. Father tailored his homily for the children, but it was quite moving for adults as well. He talked about the Centurion opening the side of Christ and how His love was poured out for us. How He gave everything. Father talked about human love, and Christ has human love, like we do, but that it is perfect human love. He also said Christ is God, so His love is also supernatural and perfect. He compared it to various types of of love that the children (and adults) would feel. But he said that love isn’t about feelings, but about choosing to love. He said that our imperfect human love only goes so far. That we love until we get to a point where we don’t. He used several examples that were relatable for all. And here is the money quote, which I was sure to write down immediately: “Don’t wait for someone to become perfect to love them, because then you never will.”
We also said the indulgence prayer for the Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Father is super good about getting us as many of these as possible.
“Before we had ever repented for our sins, Christ had made provision for our sins.”