Fr. Hunwicke has, at his indispensable blog, an informative piece which literally made me laugh.
Father immediately drew my attentive reading through his title: “Papa Lambertini’s conundrum”.
Papa Lambertini is, as you know, one of my favorites favourites among the Successors of Peter, Benedict XIV.
Fr. Hunwicke begins:
Pope Benedict XIV pointed out (1) that we are obliged to venerate an exposed Host (cultum negari non posse hostiae ad venerationem expositae). But (2): although it is de fide that consecrated Hosts have been transubstantiated, (3) it is not de fide that this particular host actually was, as a matter of History, certainly consecrated (licet de fide non sit esse consecratam).
You see what he means in part (3) of that.
He goes on to explain, making distinctions.
I only wish that you had the opportunity to read the rest of his post while drinking your coffee, tea, or lemon barley water from a properly disposed mug, such as…
And… wear him with pride!
What’s on the back? The text of his prohibition is on the back of these shirts (with two exceptions – one economy shirt for men and one for women which don’t have texts, so check carefully):
What’s on the back?
The text in Latin and English of Papa Lambertini’s Allatae sunt of 26 July 1755, in which he slams the door on women serving Mass, including: “Mulieres autem servire ad Altare non audeant, sed ab illius ministerio repellantur omnino…Women must not dare to serve at the Altar, but they should be altogether repulsed from this ministry.”
Having non of this swag, I went to the cabinet and poured myself a cup in this excellent mug: ( It pertains to a state in life that women should dare to enter, for it could not exist without them :). Fittingly, the mug is primarily my husband’s.
answering my own question, I believe I have found the article in question at this link:
And, yes, it is quite good, and funny! Thanks!
It is funny, even for this old lib with no great love for Papa Lambertini. And Fr. Hunwicke is definitely right. We do need faith in God, every day and at all times.
Even though I did laugh at the examples Father gave, in the back of my mind, I thought, sadly, there’s a reason these examples exist … there’s a reason I’m laughing at them, and that is no laughing matter.