I know that it can be perilous to line historical events up on a certain day and ponder their meaning, but – given the special circumstances – let’s do it anyway.
Firstly, 16 July.
In 1945 the first nuclear weapon was detonated.
In 1918 the family of the Tsar of Russia were cruelly slaughtered.
In 1045 the Great Eastern-Western Schism began.
On 16 July we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (which means “garden”). Carmel is especially associated with the Prophet Elijah. Elijah slew hundreds priests of the demon Baal, at Carmel. Jezebel would seek vengeance.
Mount Carmel is also the end point of what is called the Sword of St. Michael. If you draw a line to connect 7 shrines of St. Michael across Europe, where Michael appeared, you find a straight line from Skillig Michael, Ireland, down to, Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel is the “point” of Michael’s Sword, as it were.
A reader pointed out that the children of Fatima saw our Lady stop the angel, perhaps Michael, from striking the Earth with a sword.
The next full day after Our Lady of Mount Carmel we begin a Novena to her mother, St. Ann. It is in the 17 July issue of L’Osservatore Romano that the document Traditionis custodes appears, promulgated. However, if you go to L’Osservatore you now see this:
On the single page they now let you see, there is an above the fold piece with the title: Il Papa ai Fratri minori francescani in capitolo: “Fare misericordia con gli ultimi” … The Pope to the Franciscan Friars Minor in chapter: “Be merciful among the least”.
The day after his brutal cruelty to the single most marginalized group in the Church today.
Some of the least are least-er than others, I guess.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
St. Ann intercede for us.
St. Joseph, … do your thing.
Today is the feast day of Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne. May their intercession and example help us to embrace the suffering and the Cross so that grace will flow abundantly to save our souls.
“Mount Carmel is also the end point of what is called the Sword of St. Michael. If you draw a line to connect 7 shrines of St. Michael across Europe, where Michael appeared, you find a straight line from Skillig Michael, Ireland, down to, Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel is the “point” of Michael’s Sword, as it were.”
map here:
Also beginning on July 16, 1994, the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter.
I find it very interesting that Our Lady of Mt. Carmel appeared in the sky following the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. Not sure what to make of it.
It seems to me that no one should have to pay a subscription fee to read the official pronouncements of the Vatican!
[Perhaps they need to offset more expenditures for movies about Elton John.]
SeelDad, a guess of mine is that perhaps it was to remind us of the brown scapular.
Other noted events for July 16:
– Beginning of the Islamic calendar
– St. Clare’s birthday
– St. Francis canonized
– Date of the final apparition in Lourdes
– JFK Jr. plane crash
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As a Secular Carmelite, I can offer another tidbit of information about the significance of July 16 and the release of Pope Francis’s restrictions on the TLM:
The apparition attributed to St. Simon Stock (of Our Lady giving him the brown scapular) isn’t an approved apparition, and the apparition’s lack of historical authenticity (which had been hotly debated for a long time) led to the Church briefly expunging St. Simon’s memorial from the Carmelite liturgical calendar. The Church reinstated the memorial—on the condition that there be no references to the apparition in the liturgy for the memorial.
Releasing Traditionis Custodes on July 16 may be Francis’s way of reminding Catholics that the Church can and will suppress popular expressions of the liturgy if they create division and scandal.
Where’s the damned bowl?
How many euros would it cost to push past the paywall and buy out the whole darn cabal currently running the show?