August 15th, 2023
Dear Diary,
I had kind of a shock today, but I’m hoisting a scotch anyway and breaking out the caviar ’cause it’s a relief to have Fr. Tommy back. Things have kinda slipped through the cracks the last few months, even with Mrs. Kennedy scrambling to stay on top of stuff. I took Tommy out to lunch today, and said “I’ll drive.” I like to be thoughtful. Steak and potatoes and cheesecake. Feast day means FEAST!
It’s a relief that Fr Tommy is back because he is just a lot more precise than Fr. Gilbert. Except for the hair. Gilbert’s hair is really precise.
When Tommy stepped into my office this morning Chester woke up and gave out a low growl but he didn’t go into a full cannipshun fit. He actually went back to sleep. Maybe it was that lumpia I gave him before Fr got there?
I was sorting through piles and piles of papers with Tommy even though the offices were closed for the FEAST and he stumbled across the MYLOS moolah invitation. He told me it’s a prank. I said, “You’re kidding, right?” But no, he insisted “It’s a prank.” Tommy said the word means “millstone”! As in, around your neck! Like what it says happens to bad guys in the Bible! You coulda fooled me. And, well, they did. What the heck are they so mad about? I’m not a bad guy! Why pick on me? What did I do? How was I to know some fancy Greek word? The ladies aren’t even Greek! Their logo had this donut-shaped watermark thing in the background. A donut and I was thinking …
Dang it. Did Dozer think this up?
love the “donut shaped watermark”.
I started with Google Translate and actually stumbled to the correct answer??
First time for everything!
For sure we need more like Fr. Tommy (who did his Exercises) to guide +Atticus and his episcopal brothers. Unfortunately most dioceses are rapidly “de-clericalizing” their chanceries to zero, so pastors are continually bombarded by memos and edits written by lay chancery bureaucrats who do not have the foggiest notion of what parish work really involves.