VIDEO: A former Swiss Guard about St. John Paul II.

Here is a very interesting video from a former Swiss Guard about the influence and saintly character of St. John Paul II.

Shall we see his like again? I wonder.

During my time as a seminarian and young(er) priest in and around those Vatican spaces I had the chance many times to talk to JP2. There is one particular anecdote in the video which struck me.  It was so…. John-Pauline.


It is also interesting that the video brings in Mother Teresa, whom I also met and who was at my ordination.    To be clear, I didn’t know these two epic figures as well as this Swiss Guard, but I knew them enough to attest to the authenticity of what he says.

There is something in here to which every man should pay close attention.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. ajf1984 says:

    What a wonderful testimony to the enduring power of holiness, a palpable holiness like St. John Paul II had while on earth. And that anecdote about St. Teresa of Calcutta was priceless! I only ever saw His Holiness once (Christmas, 2003), but reading his words and hearing from those who knew him really brings his personality to life. I miss his earthly presence but am comforted and strengthened knowing that he is doing even more now for the Church than he did while on earth. Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us!

    P.S.: both the guidance Mario gives to men to always keep the Rosary close, and Mother Teresa’s response to Mario’s…”colorful metaphor” while in the kitchen, I will definitely be passing along to my 6 sons!

  2. Kathleen10 says:

    How heartwarming that is, how inspiring! We’ve forgotten what it’s like to have holy men and holy people in the Vatican. Hopefully we’ll experience it again, please God.

  3. JerseyCatholic says:

    When the Faustina movie came out in October 2019, I was with my sister and my daughter in a theater in Paramus, NJ. It was a one night only showing of the movie. They had sold enough tickets to fill two movie theaters (which was a miracle in an of itself!). It was filled with faithful lay people, priests and sisters. At a certain point in the movie, which is a mix of documentary and dramatic reenactment, footage of Pope St. John Paul 2 appeared on the screen and the entire theater erupted into applause. It was thrilling. I’ll never forget it.


  5. mburduck says:

    A stunning video all Catholic men should see. Thank you for posting, Father.

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