From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus” – 23-11-12 – Bp. Strictland

November 12th, 2023

Dear Diary,

This morning Fr. Tommy asked me my thoughts about the mess with Strictland in Texas. I can’t say I know him. He doesn’t hang around the bar after the bp meetings with the group of us. Always seems pleasant. He got pretty unfriendly with the pope and the nuncio, so it’s wise to keep him at arms’ length anyway.  It’s scary how quickly Rome acts when they want to. I heard there was an investigation this summer, but I figured that, if it followed form, it would be at least a year, maybe two before any action was taken. But no. The hammer came down fast.  After that first rush of calls the night before, during the day it happened I talked to a few of the other guys and they’re troubled. Seems like it was only a few years ago that Francis instituted new policies for removing bishops, but I don’t think that process was even followed. Some of the guys that are even a little okay with traditional stuff are worried. If Strictlan can be removed so easily, what’s stopping it from happening to them?  Or ME??? And what’s the noonch’s role in this?  He’s a Cardinal now.  I’ve been trying to avoid line of sight with him for all these meetings: outta sight and all.  I should try and stay on his good side.  Maybe get on his good side?  A bottle of scotch to congratulate him? Dangerous. Too good of a bottle, it’ll look like bribery. Too cheap it’s an insult. These Italians.  French?  Whatever. Anyway, off to the meeting in the morning.  I look forward to seeing the guys, some at least, but I think it’s going to be a pretty tense meeting. I hear Strictland is showing up but not coming to any of the sessions. He’s just going to stand around outside and pray. What do they get out of that?  I suppose the crowd he’ll get will be big this time.  I asked Tommy what he thought of the Strictlund thing but just as he was about to say something Chester charged in and started barking and running in a circle.  That sort of put the kaybosh on that.  It took us with Mrs. Kennedy several minutes to get Chester under control and out of the room.  Fr. Gilbert gets on my nerves but it’s worth it for Chester.   Oh yes… gotta make sure Fr. Gilbert is available for Chester’s vet appointment.  The last time with Tommy didn’t go too well.  I’m just glad the vet understood.  They got the place all cleaned up.

Editor’s Note:  These diary entries come in sporadically from our Source inside.  Hence, they are not always chronological or even current.  Also, for those of you who are new, Fatty McButterpants’ full name is Francis Atticus McButterpants.  In naming him, his parents were inspired by their garden statue and the institution where his older brother was learning a trade. Fatty would later say it was the book by Harper Lee. Fatty hated the name Francis growing up, and still hates it, so he went by “F. Atticus McButterpants”. By the time he got into seminary, and much larger clothing, the script wrote itself.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Not says:

    I would like to think that this is fiction….but I think alot of Priest and Bishops are just like old Fatty McButterpants.
    I am reminded of a Priest I met years ago while doing some work in a very weathly church rectory. We talked about the Tradional Latin Mass. He was doing his Doctorate on some current “German” theologian. I asked , with all the great Church Fathers, why pick a contemporary? I went that afternoon and picked up some great tradional books and brought them to him. The next day he told me he spent the evening reading them and was inspired by them. I asked if he was interested in learning how to say the TLM? He responded by saying he didn’t want to cause trouble. I finished the conversation by asking him if he became a Priest to just go along, not cause any trouble and then retire? Or did he become a Priest to make a differance? I wonder what happened to him.

  2. TheCavalierHatherly says:


    “asking him if he became a Priest to just go along, not cause any trouble and then retire?”

    More like having his livelyhood taken away and have no fallback in place. I do think the laity underestimate just how nasty it can be. Imagine losing all of your income and being completely unemployable (no one will hire a “fired priest).

    The enemies of tradition are merciless.

  3. Servus Inutilis says:

    He did indeed learn to say the TLM. Through the TLM he learned the meaning of his priesthood and became transformed. He became a good shepherd of souls and proclaimed the the Gospel boldly in season and out, in the pulpit and in the streets, so to speak. His flock grew and grew and out grew the small old out of the way church building to which those aging nostalgiacs in their mid 20’s to late 30’s with 4, 5, 6 ,7 … children had been shuffled quietly away. And so did his reputation for his love of our Lord and His people. He became a true “tradtionis custos,” and strove to faithfully hand on that which he had received. Some 5 or 6 years ago he was “offered” a sabbatical year which continues to this day.

  4. Zeddy says:

    Never did there exist a saint who wasn’t a radical

  5. Not says:

    Thank you all. I will think and pray as you do.

  6. Saint110676 says:

    Again I recommend that +Atticus and his confreres in the episcopacy go out for Maryland hard-shell crabs and hammer away They are still in season when the bishops meet in November.
    Regarding the USCCB: do large group meetings ever accomplish anything useful for the functioning of any organization? Look at the US Congress. Things got done when very powerful members ran the show, such as Lyndon Johnson or Sam Rayburn.

  7. Saint: hard-shell crabs and hammer away

    It is more likely that +F.Atticus and crew – if they brought someone who can drive – will find a high end restaurant with really nice table clothes and “hammer away” at hard-shell Manhattans. My impression is that +F.Atticus isn’t all that indulgent, but get Dozer going, and “Jack” Daniels….

  8. amenamen says:

    Editor’s note:
    I surmise his older brother was learning a trade in Attica, NY?

  9. ajf1984 says:

    Saint’s comment about the USCCB meeting and the (in)efficacy of large group meetings reminded me of one of those “de-motivational” posters I saw when I was first starting out in my career in higher education. Beneath a photo of many hands of different skin tones, it read “Committees: Because none of us is as dumb as all of us.” Amen to that!

    On a happier note, today at my boys’ classical, Catholic school, we had the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Latin Novus Ordo, the unicorn of Masses these days) followed by a Eucharistic procession around the school with Benediction. As our Reverend Host often reminds us, “less chit-chat, more processions!” I think the sight of the various Excellencies assembled in Maryland taking Our Lord to the streets in procession would probably yield more conversions of heart and greater love for Christ than a month of Sundays’ worth of meetings!

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