UPDATE: When I updated this post from the airplane with the cat photo (below), I think the cat ate the chess puzzle. Darn cats.
BLACK to move. MATE in FOUR. Use force!
In Rome I might have seen the sun rise at 06:51 and I could have, were I there, experienced the colors of its setting at 16:57. Instead, where I am in Brooklyn the sun will set at 16:42, but I will be long gone by then.
The Ave Maria Bell, you ask? Still at 17:30.
Today in the Novus Ordo calendar it is the Feast of Pope St. Leo I, “the Great” (+461), whose theology and latinity were stellar. Leo had synods with bishops, by the way, during which he told them what was what.
It is the Feast of Andrea Avellino (+1608) with a commemoration of St. Trypho, who church was subsumed into Sant’Agostino which is why Trypho’s name remains with Sant’Agostino in the list of the Roman Stations for Lent.
Just to make sure that those who think I am avoiding writing about Card. Müller (whom I haven’t yet read, the latest stuff), here’s what my priest friend and I had to eat yesterday, probably the thing foremost on the minds of most of the readership… along with the solution to yesterday’s chess problem. ‘Cause… you know… it’s called “Fr. Z’s Blog” for a reason.
Firstly, wait… let’s fill in a blank… yesterday we went out into deepest darkest Long Island to see a brand new cemetery chapel build by the Diocese of Rockville Centre. I must say, they did a grand job of it. The fact that they built a new church instead of closing one or selling one is already good. This lovely little church was just consecrated last Sunday! You could still smell chrism.
Not flashy or innovative, but very well done.
Three cloths, very good.
Alas, they have a picnic table, but the main altar is consecrated for use.
A good job.
Zipped through the process at the airport. I met a rather hairy passenger at security.
The expression – sort of how I feel at this stage of a trip.
Queen of Peace?
Calling Westbury “deepest, darkest Long Island” is about as accurate as saying you’ve been getting your authentic cuisine the last month at Olive Garden!
Where did the puzzle go? I went through every move of the knight, queen, and bishop and was even looking at the pawns. I brought my 10 year old son to look at it. We were stumped. I told him it might have been flawed, but I thought the same thing about last week’s doozy. Now it’s gone and we’re left in the dark. C’ est la vie.
beggingformercy says: Where did the puzzle go?
I think when I updated the post with the cat photo, the update ate the puzzle! I’ll repost.
I’m a priest in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. I heard nothing about this new chapel. So much for communication around here.
Thanks for the hint Father! I can go to Mass this morning with a clear mind.
…Nxc2+ (the only good force)
either Ka2, Nxd4+
Rc2, Qxc2+
Ka2, Qa4#
or Rxc2, Qa4+
Kb1, Qxc2+
Ka2, Qa4#