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My thank you notes were kicked back to me as undeliverable. New email addresses?
Meanwhile, white to move. Interesting.
NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.
Interested in learning? Try THIS.
I am now a affiliate. So, click and join! Maybe we can build a fun and active Catholic Chess Club within Priestly chess players, drop me a line. HERE
In chessy news, there is a new tournament at wherein pairs of players take each other on. They can discuss moves so it isn’t “brain and hand”, in which the “brain” player says a name of a piece, like “bishop” without specifying and the “hand” has to figure out the best thing to do with it. This new form is full discussion between the teammates and the lower rated player makes the moves. Yesterday, Fabiano Caruana and GM Cristian Chirila (they have a podcast together) beat Anish Giri and IM Danny Rensch 2-0. I believe trash talk is encouraged between games. Today, my guy Wesley So with fellow Minnesotan young Alice Lee are up against the dangerous Peter Leko and Pia Cramling. That should be a brawl.
Also, I am back to playing … not so well again. Rather, I play well and then I become stupid. I am starting to wonder if I overthink things.
All this and the MOON LANDING too, today!
The wonderful nuns of Gower Abbey, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, have a new disc and digital download:
These are the RESPONSORIES of Tenebrae for all three days of the Triduum. They are, arguably, the most beautiful chants of the entire liturgical year.
I’m watching the Wesley/Alice vs. Peter/Pia game now. All such good people. And Alice is definitely not deadweight on their team, even at 14!
I’m watching too. It’s fun. Alice is a killer. She went through GM’s with a scythe during the Pro League.
These are really nice people trying to be a little spicy. Their trash talk is to compliment each other sincerely.
I don’t see how White can force a very quick mate, but mate is not surprisingly inevitable.
1. Q-g1
If . . . . . . . . h4-h3
2. Q-g4#
If . . . . . . . . B-anywhere other than g3, also:
2. Q-g4#
If. . . . . . . . B-g3
2. R×g3 . . . h4×g3
3. Q-h1#
But if
2. . . . . . . . . h4-h3
3. Q-h1 . . . K-h4 (to prevent Qxh3# or ×h2#)
4. R-g4+ . . . K-h5
5. Q-h3#
How about this?
1. Q-d8, h4-h3
2. Q-e8+, K-h4
3. R-g4#