Before I forget, this is Ember Friday of Lent, but as the Friday of the 1st Week of Lent it is also the Feast of the Holy Lance (Spear of Longinus) and the Nails. It was established by Pope Innocent VI (+1362).
The Spear of Longinus is kept at St. Peter’s Basilica and the Nails were in France with the Crown of Thorns but were lost during the Revolution. There are other fragments of the nails.
There are various Feasts concerning the Passion of the Lord found in the appendix of the Roman Missal, “In aliquibus locis” before 1962. In other words another post-55 loss.
For example, the Feasts of the Prayer of Our Lord in the Garden (Tuesday after Septuagesima), of the Crown of Thorns (Friday after Ash-Wednesday), of the Holy Winding Sheet (Friday of the 2nd Week, of the Five Wounds (Friday of the 3rd Week, and the Precious Blood of Christ (Friday of the 4th Week.).
Deus, qui in assumptae carnis infirmitate Clavis affigi, et Lancea vulnerari pro mundi salute voluisti: concede propitius; ut, qui eorundem Clavorum, et Lanceae solemnia veneremur in terris, de glorioso victoriae tuae triumpho gratulemur in caelis: Qui vivis et regnas.
O God, who in the weakness of the flesh that was assumed willed to be pierced by nails and wounded by a lance for the salvation of the world, graciously grant we beg, that we who venerate the feast of the same nails and lance on earth, may rejoice over the glorious triumph of your victory in Heaven.
Thanks Fr.
Yes, thanks Father, these Feast days are valuable to contemplate on the Lenten Friday Stations and I’ll add to them to my calendar. The ’45 Fr. Lasance Missal does not have Missae pro Aliquibus Locis, but Masses of Religious Orders and Proper Masses for the United States. A quick web search got the Mass for the Feast of the Most Holy Lance and Nails and commentary from Augustine, plus a picture of a relic of the Lance in the Imperial Hofburg Palace, Vienna. Paging through the Missal also led me to the Votive Mass Against the Heathen and Mass for the Healing of Schism, both helpful for the past couple weeks.
Many thanks!
I happily found them with ease in a 1947 Roman Missal scanned in the Internet Archive.
But I wonder what Liber Usualis or Graduale might have the Propria?