The time of the rising of the sun upon Rome today was 06:04. It also set on schedule at 18:29. The Ave Maria bell is in the 18:45 cycle. Tomorrow is the Full Moon, first after the Vernal Equinox. The Feast of the Annunciation, ordinarily tomorrow, is postponed because it is Holy Week.
Today’s Roman Station was at St. John Lateran.
Welcome registrants:
St Michael
In church today we had the blessing of palms and olive branches, of course. Such beautiful prayers.
Here’s mine.
I think I will get more photos from the day from the pro photographer. But for now, here are some glimpses.
After Mass on the way out to lunch with friends, including The Great Roman™ and TGR’s Wife™, I spotted this.
At lunch I spotted these.
Meanwhile, can you spot the mate in four for white? Good luck!
1. Nf7+ Ke8 2.Qxe6+ Nxe6 3. Ng5+ Kd8 4. Nxe6#
NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

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In chessy news, I finally got to see the end of the American Cup women’s section. ALICE LEE!!! It was down to blitz tie breakers.
Father, the liturgical and related photos you share with us are beautiful treasures. The photo of a woman kneeling on the church floor and being singly illuminated by a brilliant shaft of the Almighty’s own sun is unquestionably a perfect piece of religious art that needs no great narrative! But, I would suggest that given the day and the place might the light be emanating from the Son as He once again begins His salvific journey of Holy Week?
I do have a less loftier question of you. What are the inscriptions on marble floor before the altar?
The inscriptions. Someone else asked about them. I’ll get photos.
Quaeritur: Is it true that, pre-1955, palms (and candles, for that matter) were blessed upon the Altar, not on a separate table? I can’t find a satisfactory answer on the web.
Thank you for the photos! You are in my prayers.
The key to the solution is the Black Knight’s defense of his pawn on e6. So take out both of them, even if you have to sacrifice your Queen:
1. Nf7+ Ke8
2. Qxe6+ NxQ
3. Ng5+ Kd8
4. NxN mate