Today is the feast of Bl Anna Maria Taigi (+1837). Her tomb is in San Crisogono, just across the Tiber in Trastevere. She was a wifre and mother and then a tertiary of the Trinitarians. During her life she received locutions from the Lord. For many decades after her death she was incorrupt. She was praised highly by St. Vincent Pallotti (a saint of my neighborhood).
She foretold the two World Wars and made predictions about “3 days of darkness”.
“After the three days of darkness, St. Peter and St. Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach in the whole world and designate a new Pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope. Christianity, then, will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff, chosen by God to withstand the storm. At the end, he will have the gift of miracles, and his name shall be praised over the whole earth.”
“Whole nations will come back to the Church and the face of the earth will be renewed. Russia, England, and China will come into the Church.”
San Crisogono:
Bl. Anna Maria Tiagi is here.
Father, do you believe in the three days of darkness? There’s been some talk lately about the charismatic movement since Kennedy Hall’s recent podcast. It seems like a lot of people who support visionaries, especially modern ones, seem to support the charismatic movement while those who oppose the movement tend to lean trad. What’s the cause of the division?
What are your thoughts?
Anneliese: Father, do you believe in the three days of darkness?…. Kennedy Hall’s recent podcast. … What’s the cause of the division?
First, I don’t know about the “three days”. We are not obliged to believe in that. On a lighter note, so to speak, I am happy to have lots of blessed beeswax candles! The Summit Dominican’s send them.
Next, Kennedy Hall. I don’t know all that much about him. He doesn’t seem to know much about me, either. We all should be banding together.
Also, cause of the division? It seems to me that those who are on the “right”, or the more conservative side of things, get trapped in the desire to defend their own wrinkle of turf, they own clicks. We need to do a better job of what Michael Matt has called “Unite The Clans”.
Anyway, didn’t the messages of Garabandal also include a three days of darkness element along with the illumination of conscience? Not sure.
This is what Bl. Anna Maria Taigi said:
Another visionary, Marie-Julie Jahenny (+1941), also talked about the three days of darkness saying that they would fall on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. She also talked about blessed candles of beeswax.
Anyway, if it’s Thursday and it starts to get real dark, get out those candles.
There is a very good Website in German on the three days of darkness. Google should translate it. Others saw the catastrophe too like St. Padre Pio.
Thank you for this!
I have not yet followed up MarcPolo’s suggestion, and know nothing of the three days of darkness, but reading your quotation from the Blessed Anna Maria, the resemblance to the Matins of Feria V, Feria VI, and Sancto Sabbato of Holy Week, the Ember Days fasting, and more general ‘traditional’ week-day fasting traditions springs to mind.
I am a big fan of Bl. Anna Maria – very interesting writings. It is too bad that she is too little known.
Throughout history there are many predictions of the Three Days Darkness by saints and prophets, and reference to it in Scripture. Also, many predictions of the Illumination of Conscience as well. The Illumination is apparently going to precede the 3 Days Darkness, not sure how close together.
“Anyway, didn’t the messages of Garabandal also include a three days of darkness element along with the illumination of conscience? Not sure.”
yes, Garabandal is likely what brought the most attention to this prophecy. And at Garabandal the illumination of conscience is called the Warning.
Garabandal has spent a long time being directed, on and off, not to spread the message. The message has never been condemned. Its various bishops have had different reactions to the phenomenons. Nothing in the messages is against the deposit of Faith.
The seers of Garabandal obeyed the orders not to disseminate the message – a very different reaction than a particular more modern one that I won’t even mention.
I was there in the late 60s. When Mom asked Mary Loli [while she helped us make our bed at her father’s little inn] about the apparitions, Mary Loli simply stated “we are not allowed to discuss it”. The village met nightly for the Rosary in the church. There were no hawkers of wares. No big church built. No nefarious disobedient religious moved in. Garabandal remained a quiet, isolated, rocky northern farming Spanish village. So I tend to admire Garabandal and continue to wonder about the accuracy of the predictions.
We will only know for sure about all of this in hindsight. In the meantime, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.