A dialogue of St. John Fisher with Chesty Puller, USMC concerning more looming attacks on the Vetus Ordo

From a speech of St. John Fisher:

We are besieged on all sides and can hardly escape the danger of our enemy. And seeing that judgement is begone at the house of God, what hope is there left, if we fall, that the rest shall stand?

The fort is betrayed even of them that should have defended it.

Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC responds:

“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us.

They can’t get away this time”

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. mburduck says:

    Semper Fidelis!

    And from WWI: Retreat? Hell, we just got here!

    Lock and load.

  2. Woody says:

    Wasn’t it Chesty Puller who once said, “Take me to the brig, I want see some real Marines.” But having said that, all the Marines that I have known, both on active duty and after active duty, and specifically including former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, have been fine and upright soldiers and citizens.

  3. Grant M says:

    When TC was first promulgated our host posted a gif of the famous response of the Spartans on being urged to surrender their weapons: Molon labe, come and get them! Americans remember the equally laconic response of General McAuliffe on being urged by the Germans to surrender: Nuts! In New Zealand we remember the courteous yet determined response of Rewi Maniapoto on being urged to surrender at the siege of Orakau: E hoa, ka whawhai tonu matou, ake, ake, ake! Friend, we shall fight on for ever and for ever and for ever.


  4. An Old Historian says:

    Fr. Z,
    Thanks for posting such a pertinent “dialogue” for these times between two brave men, while separated by centuries and vocations who give us a path to follow.
    I think Thomas Paine added some pointed words which add some punch. To paraphrase, ‘the Summer soldier an sunshine patriot’ (i.e. for today, anyone who voices support of the TLM and opposition to its eradication go quiet or desert to the Satanist dark side centered in Rome) must decide between the one true Holy Mother Church or the synodal church which denies Christ’s own teachings and the Holy Spirit’s guidance and protection of our Catholic faith.
    My prayer at this moment:
    We appeal to you, Saint Michael, the Archangel to accept our petitions and place them before our Almighty Father with our pleadings that He send you to us to protect us and guide us and to lead us to victory in a holy war against Satan and all his evil minions. Amen.

  5. AA Cunningham says:

    “fine and upright soldiers”(sic) Woody

    Soldiers?! Chesty has no use for those who insult Marines by referring to us as “soldiers”(sic). That’s as serious a gaffe as referring to an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the novus ordo as a Eucharistic Minister. Unsat.

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