Daily Rome Shot 1051

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Procession for St Anthony’s feast at Santa Dorotea in Trastevere.  The Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Trinity is there for solidarity.  The Archcon has been inspiring other old confraternities to get going again.

The confraternities played a huge role in daily life in Rome for a long time.  Now people think the “state” is everything.  It was not always so.

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Meanwhile, what would you do? White to move.

This was my position in OTB the other day.  The engine says we are equal, though it didn’t feel that was at the time.

No spoiler warning today.  Jump in.

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. pestolover says:

    I’d move Knight to G3 with an eye to capture the pawn on H4, offering C3 to black.

  2. Imrahil says:

    Let’s play it safe. d4 would’ve looked very, very good for the knight, but we can’t afford that black captures g3 and attacks bishop and rook all with one move.

    So, 1. c4. Nicely protected by the bishop, and let black worry what he does. He won’t go to c3 now, not only does he not get a pawn there, but we’d capture immediately.

    In the immediate future, we need to get some place. I would remove the knight from e2 where he stands in the way of the rook … just not at once. We may trade the pawn on c4 for a better position later. All the same, he’s one step closer to becoming a queen.

  3. My solution was 43. Rd5 Nf3 44. Rd4 Nf2+ 45. Rxf2 Bxf2 46. Bxf7… My opponent resigned on move 62

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