Interim, motus ad lusorem cum militibus albis pertinent. Scaccus mattus, scilicet mors regis, IV in motis veniat.
NB: Explicationes detineam oblatas in crastinum, ne vestrae interrumpantur commentationes.
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Chessy news. Yesterday at OTB I played well, winning all my games. However, one game ended when my opponent made a significant blunder, such that he resigned. However, I suggested that we go back a couple moves and go at it from the previous position. At that point he rallied and beat me, though the victory was already mine. It was instructive, because then, being freer, we talked about our moves.
Interested in learning? Try THIS.
Help the monks. Help yourselves.
1. N-c7+
If . . . . . . . K-f7
2. N-e6+ (discovered)
Then if . . R-d7
3. Q×d7#
If . . . . . . . K-e7
2. N-d5+ (double check forcing King to move)
3. Q-e7#
If . . . . . . . K-d7
2. N-d5+ (again discovered)
Nothing stops
3. Q-e7#
So . . . . . . K-f8 (to avoid mate in III)
2. N-d5.. . K-e8
3. B-b5+ . R-d7
4. Q×d7#