R.I.P. Al Kresta

I was sorry to read today of the death of Michigan-based Catholic radio personality Al Kresta at the age of 72.  He succumbed to liver cancer.  Read of him at the National Catholic Register HERE.

He was a good fellow.  When I was in Detroit or at Acton University (in Grand Rapids) Al tried to have me on his program.  He was a good interviewer.

May he rest in peace.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Sevens Dad says:

    That is indeed sad news. I hope you will offer a Mass for him. I will.

    I will miss him. I have always been a fan of his show even if sometimes I disagreed with him.


  3. Chiara says:

    I very much enjoyed listening to Al Kresta’s show.

    I was a secretary/payroll clerk/dispatcher for a department of my city’s Public Works Bureau. I spent most of the day alone since the crews worked outside, trimming trees, plowing roads, dragging ballfields, etc. So, I got in the habit of listening to my local Catholic radio station, which featured AK daily. I usually turned it down when the crews came back at the end of the day so they could do their paperwork without being distracted.

    One day, one of the foremen came in and I did not hear him. I had Al on discussing something interesting. I saw John and immediately turned down the volume so he could do his work. He told me, “You don’t need to turn the volume down! I’m not a Catholic (in fact, his father was an Evangelical Protestant minister). But my parents sent me to Catholic schools and I like to hear what that man says because he makes a lot of sense.” I never turned the volume down after that!

    I loved listening to Al. He never talked down to anyone, even though he was very well-read and up-to-date on current secular and Church events. He displayed such cordial and warm good manners. He was one of a kind.

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