Begone, Satan,’ were the last words of Catholic priest Jacques Hamel, who was assassinated on this day eight years ago by Islamic State terrorists while celebrating Mass at Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray church in Rouen, France.
— Sachin Jose (@Sachinettiyil) July 26, 2024
I strongly suspect that Fr. Jacques Hamel, killed in his church at Mass by an Islamic murderer in N. France, is a martyr. The murderer was pledged to ISIS.
However, just as the Church has procedures when promulgating laws and teaching definitively, so too the Church has procedures when determining if a slain Catholic was martyred. “Martyr” is also a technical term for someone who was killed precisely for hatred of Christ, the Faith, or some aspect of the Faith that is integral to it.
Churches are being attacked and destroyed all over France… and elsewhere.
Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, pray for us.
St. Lawrence of Brindisi, pray for us.
St. Pius V, pray for us.
Martyrs of Otranto, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Our Lady of Victory, intercede for us with your Divine Son.
Killed in hatred of the Faith. I hope he is declared a martyr soon.
Regardless of “official” rulings, I can consider Father a martyr and ask him to pray for my family, for healing of body and soul. I do so when I read of holy people such as Father.
I think it is a good thing to ask for his intercession for the conversion of France, especially after last night’s sacrilegious and blasphemous opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, where the Last Supper was mocked.