Daily Rome Shot 1067 – Summery Guayabera time

Reposing the chain that bound St. Paul.

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From Bucharest, I would like to have better news. Fabiano is still in the lead. My guy Wesley So had a good game again Nodirbek, but he wasn’t able to convert it. It ended in a draw. The tournament is winding down. Today Wesley faces MVL in Round 8.

Interim, motus ad lusorem cum militibus albis pertinent. Scaccus mattus, scilicet mors regis, tribus in motis veniat.

NB: Detineam explicationes in crastinum, ne vestrae interrumpantur commentationes.

Hey Fathers!  How about a clerical Guayabera shirt for the hot summer days?

Our Price: $58.50 – Reg Price:$90.00

More images available.

There are also two belt level front pockets on the shirt.  Very handy.

With a woven fedora or panama, you’ll be in good shape for the heat.

Click for choices

Of course they also have regular Guayabera shirts for lay people in all sorts of colors.

Also, yesterday I took my car in to the dealership for its annual check up.  While I was waiting I used my wonderful travel set to work on some zwischenzug puzzles.

White to move.  Can you find the best plan?   Hint: its a puzzle from a book of zwischenzug puzzles.

This is a great little set.  Magnetic.  Leather backed folding board.  Wood pieces with extra queens.  All goes into a small pouch.  I wrote about it last year – HERE – when I went to the conference for priests held by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.  I am going again this year in a couple of days thanks to some readers here.

WH, LD, MM, BMR, JK, DC, AR, DM, JMcG, SEN, KM, MH, BF, GG, MF, RM, LP, MW, JL… I think I have you all.

I’ll be in Pittsburgh for a couple days before the conference begins visiting a priest friend.

The little chess set… take a look.  It could be a great gift, also.  HERE

Finally, a Days In Rome Oct ’24 donations came in already via the wavy flag.  I will shortly have a dedicated post on this.  However, thanks…



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Andrés Pío Novoa says:

    Ándale… never thought I’d see a Fr. Z post on clerical guayaberas, but we are here for it!

  2. Not says:

    I remember a visiting Priest from behind the Iron Curtain. Our Parish gave him a small tape recorder and other forbiden items. Someone asked how he was going to bring them home. He told us he had pockets installed all the way down the inside of his cassock.

  3. Cus says:

    Something more playful in these difficult days: an average playing ground in Hungary!

  4. Cus says:

    How could I send the photo of the giant chessboard at the playing ground and the small children playing with it???

  5. Cus: Drop me a line with the contact form. I’ll respond and then you can send the photo.

  6. The bishop on the ladder seems to be a benedictine bishop. Can anybody give me his name?

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