Daily Rome Shot 1072

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A. Smith

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    I puzzled that one a while before consulting the Oracle that is Google Books for clarification:

    “The Palazzo di Colonna is a very Spacious and splendid edifice, and belongs to the constable Colonna, Duke of Paliano. On the steps before this palace are a marble statue
    of a barbarian monarch, a large buft of Alexander the Great, with Bucephalus represented on its breast; and
    fome steps higher is a Medusa’s head of porphyry, supposed to have belonged to Nero’s golden palace, with this inscription… “In this golden house are seen memorials of Nero, without his wicked actions; and the head of Medusa, without the mischievous effects of it: An indication, that only
    here Medusa’s can be softened, and Nero’s will not be tolerated” (From Johann Georg Keyssler’ “Travels”)

    Ha! The Romans really were the masters of satire.

  2. Kathleen10 says:

    No comments were allowed on the conference, but I had to say somewhere that these men were a godsend back in the good old days of Mother Angelica and EWTN. What a difference their knowledge and zeal for the faith were to so many Catholics, including ourselves. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you, Fr. Z., and all faithful priests and bishops.

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