Daily Rome Shot 1082 – Happy International Chess Day! CRAZY 9 move game!

CRAZY game yesterday in day 3 of the (mouthful alert!) Division I Winners Quarterfinal match in the CrunchLabs Masters 2024. “Puer” (aka Alireza Firouzja) stumbled into a NINE MOVE LOSS to Fabiano Caruana. The commentators, Rombert Hess and David Howell were musing about a possible line and then Puer did it! Watch this!

I am off to OTB as soon as I can finish this.

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Interim, motus ad lusorem cum militibus albis pertinent. Scaccus mattus, scilicet mors regis, duobus in motis veniat.

NB: Detineam explicationes in crastinum, ne vestrae interrumpantur commentationes.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. David G.-W. says:

    Is today’s riddle deceptively simple?

    1. Rxd7, Nxd7 produces stalemate. Not good enough.

    1. xd7, Nxd7
    2. Rxd7

  2. A.S. Haley says:

    Mors regis duobus in motis:

    1. c6c7! Scilicet . . . RxR, 2. Qe8##.

    Et scilicet . . . Nb7 aut Ne6, 2. RxR##.

    Ad finem, . . . KxR, 2. Pc8=N! duobus mattus.

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