CRAZY game yesterday in day 3 of the (mouthful alert!) Division I Winners Quarterfinal match in the CrunchLabs Masters 2024. “Puer” (aka Alireza Firouzja) stumbled into a NINE MOVE LOSS to Fabiano Caruana. The commentators, Rombert Hess and David Howell were musing about a possible line and then Puer did it! Watch this!
I am off to OTB as soon as I can finish this.
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Interim, motus ad lusorem cum militibus albis pertinent. Scaccus mattus, scilicet mors regis, duobus in motis veniat.
NB: Detineam explicationes in crastinum, ne vestrae interrumpantur commentationes.
Is today’s riddle deceptively simple?
1. Rxd7, Nxd7 produces stalemate. Not good enough.
1. xd7, Nxd7
2. Rxd7
Mors regis duobus in motis:
1. c6c7! Scilicet . . . RxR, 2. Qe8##.
Et scilicet . . . Nb7 aut Ne6, 2. RxR##.
Ad finem, . . . KxR, 2. Pc8=N! duobus mattus.