Fr. Z warmly SUGGESTS – Discount on All-Access Membership with the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

Did you know that Rev. 22:1

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

can be a Scriptural support for the Filioque clause of the Creed?  I didn’t, until John Bergsma mentioned it in a talk about the Holy Spirit under the images of water, air and fire.

Did you know that Isaiah 44:3 is an example of a synonymous bicola?  Why do so many passages in the Old Testament seem to repeat themselves?

For I will pour water on the thirsty land,
and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour my Spirit upon your descendants,
and my blessing on your offspring.

This is an “emblematic parallelism” in which the 1st part gives an image and the second part makes it explicit.  Again, Bergsma taught me that.

Did you know that Jesus breathing on the Apostles so they could forgive sins was foreshadowed in God breathing life into Adam’s nostrils?   Adam could then procreate, bring life into the world. Jesus “recreated” the Apostles so that they could “recreate” sinners.   In given absolution for sins bishops and priests “remove death”, they recreate us.  In that way, Holy Orders are a fulfillment of Baptism, making priests God’s “first-born sons”, “natural vicars” of the Father.   Guess where I heard that?

For some years I have attended conferences for priests held by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (SPCBT… Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, et al.).  These conferences have changed the way I approach Scripture.  A common comment I have made and I have heard from other priests who attend is, “I wish we had had these resources when I was in seminary!”

To be clear, the St Paul Center is not geared solely for priests.  Anyone can benefit from they offer, and they offer a lot.  Their website is packed with programs and lectures and materials.

Right now, the SPCBT is offering a discount on their All-Access Annual Membership. 

I have one of these memberships because I attended their recent conference.  They wanted the priests to have it so parishes can benefit from their preaching and teaching.  However, they want parishes to benefit in their individual members as well.

I don’t have a typical parish but you, dear readers, are like a huge parish.  Therefore, I want you to know about the SPCBT’s parish offering.

With an All-Access Membership, you’ll receive:

• All-Access to Exclusive Content
• 15% off all Emmaus Road Publishing titles, plus free shipping on domestic orders (this in itself is attractive considering the amazing title they publish)
• Enroll in a Scripture course with one of today’s leading Catholic scholars
• Receive 25% off all Journey rough Scripture Guides
• Weekly Scripture reflections with Scott Hahn and John Bergsma
• A monthly “Breaking the Bread” newsletter mailed directly to your home
• Deepen your understanding of the Scriptures with St. Paul Center flagship Bible Studies
• Exclusive promotions on select pilgrimages

If you’re interested and would like to learn more, visit

You can give All-Access Annual Memberships as GIFTS, for example to your own priests at your parish.  That could be gift to the whole parish if their preaching is affected (and it will be if they use it).

This discount – for annual memberships – is available until 1 October. Use code


For more information write here and tell them Fr. Z sent you.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Not says:

    It looks wonderful Father Z. I love the part of God breathing into Adam.
    On a more comical note, I just saw a book at a Catholic Conference titled, Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

  2. Maryagrace says:

    Living in Mexico, this elderly laywoman participated in this Wonderful St.Paul Center Priest Conference, Online. What a blessing! Hearing Scripture taught by great men who know Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin And Typography! is not just enlightening but exciting for me. The Breath of renewal with Water and Fire. God bless Scott Hahn, John Bergsma and the other daily speakers. It could only have been better if I was present in the company of so many Priests, meeting Fr.Z and touring the campus in Steubenville,


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