The conference wrapped up today. In the morning there was a talk by John Bergsma about the Holy Spirit as “water”. A key concept impressed on us was that God placed types in creation itself so that they could later be used as types of spiritual realities and events in salvation history. Hence, the Holy Spirit is described as wind or breath, fire, and water. Today we went into the physical properties of water, a component sine qua non for the existence of life.
There was a panel discussion with all the speakers.
Into Steubenville for a meetup with a friend who is also a prominent streamer. Gyros at a not bad local dive diner.
At a nearby cigar spot we enjoyed some good conversation.
This was nice. People donate cigars for priests.
Into Pittsburgh, where I am now, and furious.
I am at a hotel near the airport due to an early flight tomorrow. I will NOT recommend Marriott “Bonvoy” which I think was or is Courtyard. It’s grim, near nothing, and they force you to join their program to get internet and there’s an upcharge. So, I tried to use my phone as a tether. That wasted an hour of my life. I hate Zuhlsdorf’s Law. Not as much as I am hating this hotel. And the staff at the desk here were not nearly as friendly and helpful as those at the Hilton Garden Inn a few days ago. Thumb is stabbing downward, with force. DOWNWARD! DEORSUM!
And speaking of images of water, this is available to me at the hotel as I write.
What could be in there along with the water? Diamonds? Does it also give you super powers? Is the cap perhaps an ancient artifact with a treasure map?
This is a normal sized bottle.
The conference was terrific.
Hotel management assumes everyone who enters their rooms is dying of dehydration. Which they could be, but they don’t care.
Reminds me of the old Stroh’s Beer commercial. A guy is trudging across a desert, near death. He comes across a fellow who asks him if he’d like some ice cold water. No thanks he responds, “I was hoping for an ice cold Stroh’s Beer.” Off he goes.
I stayed in a Marriott Hotel in Morgantown, West Virginia recently and all the staff were friendly and helpful. (No, I don’t own stock in Marriott)
In contrast, I stayed at the downtown Hilton Hotel in Pittsburgh in the pre-smart phone era. I checked in late in the evening. The place was deserted. A friendly young man was at the desk. I told him I needed to go to the U.S. Steel building the next day and could he tell me in which direction it was from the hotel? He said “No” despite the fact, as I found out, that it wasn’t far away and was the most prominent building in downtown Pittsburgh. I asked him if there was a good place nearby to get breakfast, and he said, “There’s the hotel restaurant– if it’s open.” “You don’t know if it’s open in the morning?” “No.”
Finally, he says, “Because you’re a Hilton Honors member, your room has complimentary water!” I knew he was referring to bottled water, but said, “You know, I’ve never stayed in a hotel room without water.”
“Oh,” he said, with zero recognition.
So, you never know what you’re going to get at hotels.