Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.
Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Mass of obligation for this 9th Sunday after Pentecost, or the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time?
Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.
Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?
A couple thoughts about the sign of the cross: HERE A taste…
On that Palm Sunday Jesus went to the Temple. Surely people thought that he was going to take His role as the Davidic priest-king. There He found the Courtyard of the Gentiles encroached with vendors of sacrificial animals and with moneychangers. Coins with images couldn’t be used for sacrifices, so they had to be exchanged. With a whip of cords the Lord drove them out, one of His motives being that the Gentiles were left with no place to worship the one true God. Commenting on this dramatic moment, St. Jerome (+420) remarked that this was perhaps the Lord’s greatest miracle, considering their numbers and the way enemies were arrayed against Him. St. Jerome opined that something of His divine authority must have shined forth in that moment which could not be withstood.
Our judgement will be a judgement of the heart. Very powerful.
I just wanted to let you and your readers know that at our TLM today and last Sunday we were told that we had been given a two year extension of the TLM.
Fr. Z I know this is a touchy subject, but could you weigh in on whether or not the events of the last week in the US might be mentioned in a homily? I admit I was very disappointed the assassination attempt on Pres. Trump was not mentioned even remotely. It’s understood these are touchy times and touchy people are everywhere. But what about the church offering consolation, and just praying for people? For America? Doesn’t the church make itself irrelevant when our pastors just don’t mention current significant events that are traumatic. It’s a lonely feeling when they are ignored. Can you give an opinion on what is appropriate, without wading into your own deep pool.
9th Sunday after Pentecost. An excellent sermon on temptation- how to avoid, & respond, with the graces given to us, when necessary.
A THIRD priest has been added to our parish, & five more public Masses added to the weekly schedule. Energetic reception after the last Mass of the day for the newest addition to the rectory.
The ushers have finally acquired a person-sized shoehorn to get folks seated.
I love this place…
I forgot to add- “riowalk”: very pleased to hear that- Deo gratias!
Attended the 8:30 AM Low Mass as we were heading out after mass for a trip back to New England. The newly ordained visiting priest ( alas his last weekend with us) spoke about prayer and the errors that people have in praying. One is to think that God doesn’t exist or that he is just the celestial watchmaker who created the universe then left us alone. In these cases prayer doesn’t seem to serve any real purpose. Another error is to think that God ” changed his mind” based on our prayers. In fact God is unchangeable and also already knows what we are going to pray for. But He wants us to be part of the action he is going to take. So we become part of God’s plan.