(A few) bishops want an apology for the Parisian Blasphemy

Not enough. It’s a start. Please, more bishops?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TonyO says:

    Speaking out: good.
    Offering Mass in reparation: good.
    Asking (even demanding) an apology: not so smart.

    First, the organizing people have already been “apologizing” in fake apologies that further insult us, and ridicule us. Don’t offer more room for the same.

    Second, even if the organizers apologize, that’s just words. They won’t mean it. They knew in advance that this would get Catholics mad, and that was both desired and planned for. As were the fake apologies. Stop playing their game. In order for any possible apology to be valid, heads must roll, (figuratively: people must lose their jobs). But more importantly:

    There are probably LAWS against this kind of thing (it’s Europe, after all). Hate speech and the like. These should be enforced, lawsuits should be pursued, and the principals should be hounded out of public life.

  2. anthtan says:

    Has the Vatican issued any comment or statement yet?

  3. BeatifyStickler says:

    Prudent! Justice should be pursued.

  4. IaninEngland says:

    I caught wind yesterday of a Holy Hour of Reparation next Tuesday, 6 August, in a nearby parish. I hope to attend.

  5. Not says:

    Should be every Cardinal , Archbishop and Bishop. Thanks to the few.
    How about this? Your satanic display is a walk in the park compared to the never ending fires of hell that await you unless you repent.

  6. EAW says:

    It is good that they speak out, but I don’t see the point of asking apologies from people who are anything but honourable.

  7. Anneliese says:

    It’s unfortunate Archbishop Rozanski didn’t sign.

  8. hwriggles4 says:

    I was glad that my bishop was one of the 27 signatories. He’s not Mr. Perfect, but he takes the time to get out and about within our diocese and while he’s not out looking for photo ops, when something comes up he will take the time to get on camera himself instead of having a communications person appear on television. He also invited Raymond Cardinal Burke a few years ago to a weekend conference in our diocese a few years ago, and our men’s conference group has received more support with him here (there were a few years we purposely had our men’s conference in a neighboring diocese).

  9. Andreas says:

    EAW is correct; as their statements in response to the public outcry following the opening ceremony suggest, those deplorables who commit and approve of such vulgar transgressions care not a whit about the offense they have caused. As for Vatican leadership’s delayed response? Every student knows that for feedback to be effective, it must be immediate and unambiguous. In my humble opinion it is long beyond past time for ALL senior Church leadership to finally eschew the milquetoast diplomatic niceties and instead state boldly, frankly, very clearly and in a unified manner that we Christians shall no longer tolerate the ongoing over-arching descent into social and cultural madness; that we have had enough! Such words and actions in support of said words should be promulgated and strictly enforced down the hierarchical chain, from Pope to parish Priest. This is being accomplished by a few, but without a unified resolve, such words and actions will be left unheeded.

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