Daily Rome Shots 1090

HEY!  v*********@stonyhurst.ac.uk!  My email note to you was kicked back.  New email?

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

White to move and mate in 3.

Nice people! Great service!

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Interested in learning?  Try THIS.

In chessy news, … not much.  The British champs are going on.  Something is happening in Budapest, a place I would like to visit.  The World Rapid Chess and Blitz Team Championship will begin in Astana (recognize that name?) on Friday. Big names in it. The format in Düsseldorf was fun. 39 teams. The rather disagreeable Neimann named his team after himself, which speaks for itself. The WR Chess Team has an absurd amount of firepower: Magnus, Nepo, Duda, Nodirbek Hou Yifen, Pragg, Keymer… really? However, on a given day, any player on these teams can beat another. Except maybe for one guy on the all Chinese team (with Ding and Wei Yi), that is, Bo Pang whose rating is listed as “0”, which make him a bit of a mystery, at least to me.

I recently had lunch with Karen Hall the author of a book about a wonderful Jesuit, the late and lamented Fr. Paul Mankowski, whom I knew.  He was treated horribly by his confreres.   One of their most brilliant lights, and they snuffed him out.  There are a couple books about him.  Here is Karen’s:

The Sound of Silence: The Life and Cancelling of a Heroic Jesuit Priest


Also available…

Jesuit at Large: Essays and Reviews by Paul Mankowski, SJ edited by George Weigel


Diogenes Unveiled: A Paul Mankowski SJ Collection edited by Phil Lawler

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Liz says:

    I ordered the book and hopefully made it so you got a percentage of it, Father. I read a bit online of the book online. The part about the airplane really made me think about how I would be if I saw a priest. I would probably be overly enthusiastic but hopefully not too loud. (My husband did once describe the annoying person who wants to chat all of the way…uhh…he was describing his wife! However, I am good about taking cues and I can tell when people don’t want to visit!) When my son was a deacon he was trying to fly though Walmart to buy a few things when a teenage greeter commented on his cassock. It took everything in him to force himself to go back and talk to him. The mother in me was all like, “Be nice, son!” but I guess that part about wearing clerics made me think of what a sacrifice that could be at times.

  2. Liz says:

    Ugh. Even when I proofread, somehow I mess up. I will blame it all of my kids who killed off all of those brain cells.

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