Daily Rome Shot 1217 – more chalice

A couple more shots of Card. Burke consecrating my new/old chalice. Click for larger.

I am happy to report that I will now be able to USE my newly consecrated chalice and paten when I am in Rome for a couple weeks, in a couple week.  Having found a less unreasonable airfare, I determined to go and enjoy my digs and some Roman time.   To that end, I asked for some donations for my expenses and some of you jumped right in.

Thanks, so far, to:



You raise my spirits.  So far my airfare is just about covered.   I could use a bit more for my rent (which I pay in 3 month blocks).

I will have to do another fund drive later for April and May (Holy Week, etc.).

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

As of yesterday…

Janet Smith about the appointment to Washington DC. HERE

Personnel is policy. HERE

Nice people! Great service!

I suggest that you get involved in … chess. It is an infuriating consolation.

About the late Fr. Paul Mankowski, SJ HERE

In chessy news… HERE

White to move and mate in 2. How long did it take?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. White to move and mate in 2. How long did it take?

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    In the play-in for the big “Freestyle” (Fischer Random, 9LX) tournament coming up, the unlikeable Hans Niemann (who knocked out MVL) blundered mate in one and was knocked out by Ian Nepomniachtchi.    Unfortunately my guy Wesley So was knocked out of the running by Denis The Menace Lazavik.  We are now at the semi-final stage for the play in.  The tournament is in February.

  2. VForr says:

    Father, did you find a Roman apartment to rent permanently?

  3. VForr: permanently?

    Permanently? No, nothing in life is permanent. Seriously, I have this place for a year. If I need to get out, I can do so in 6 months. It is not opulent but my rent is low. For what I was paying for the other place (far nicer and closer to The Parish) I can stay for a lot longer. That also gives me flexibility.

  4. A.S. Haley says:

    There is no move White can make that will put the Black King in check, so I assume the problem must be for Black to move and mate White in 2. That can happen as follows:
    1. . . . Ng4! and there is no move White can make to prevent either
    2. . . . Rb1 mate OR, if White moves his Knight to prevent Rb1,
    2. . . . Ra3 mate.

  5. A.S. Haley says:

    Sorry, board reversal got the better of me. In the previous comment, replace Rb1 by Rg1, and Ra3 by Rh3.

  6. Zephyrinus says:

    Dear Fr. Z.

    Delighted to be able to contribute to your forthcoming short stay in Rome.

    I have just arranged for a billion gazillion tridillion Pounds to be paid into your account. This will be for your new air fare and, also, for Roses (from your florist, Pippo) for your new apartment.

    Prayers, please, for my deceased family, relatives, and friends.

    in Domino

  7. EAW says:

    In my opinion the forced retirement of the good Bishop Rey is hardly less disgraceful than the translation of the infamous Cardinal McElroy to DC. I remember when I was staying at the monastery of Flavigny some twenty years ago (my first in-depth introduction to the TLM), Bishop Rey was also there. Even though we didn’t interact, he immediately struck me as a genuinely humble and pious man. Back then he already had a reputation for being friendly to Tradition.

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures of the good Cardinal Burke consecrating your “new” chalice. I hope his housing issues have been resolved.

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