Daily Rome Shot 1212


And also…

In chessy news… there’s not much going on, so maybe this is relevant for those who want to play chess online… with anyone, anywhere, anytime…. like
Navy Chess”.

White to move and mate in three.  HERE

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. White to move and mate in three.

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

  2. NavyVet says:

    Sadly, after an entire chiefs mess was recently busted for hooking up an illegal Starlink network aboard their ship, it may still be awhile before we get Navy Chess.

  3. NavyVet: Fair enough. Still… new administration… new advisor (who made StarLink)… new opportunities.

    When I was at GITMO I got a can cooler from a group called “Navy Chess” which petered out along the way. I took some initiative and redid their look.

  4. L. says:

    In fairness, Bishop Brennan is a massive improvement over his immediate predecessor and perhaps the one before him. When he was installed as Bishop (having already been a Bishop elsewhere) he recreated the Pastoral Councils that his immediate predecessor had abolished. Among the first suggestions from the Council was to return to kneeling after the Agnus Dei prayer. He shot that down, in writing, citing his two predecessors by name. In this recent shoot-down, he cited only the one who established the policy in the first place. So, my observations have been that at some parishes in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston (DWC), everyone kneels, and in others some kneel and some stand. (Out-of-towners do the kneel- Oh, everyone else is standing so I’d better hop back up! dance or continue to kneel, wondering why so many are standing instead of dwelling on the Real Presence.) If uniform posture is your object (as Our Savior emphasized, I guess?), I think that the only way to achieve it would be to order that everyone kneel.

    But, the DWC has had Bishops with modernist sensibilities for quite a while, so very little is likely to change.

  5. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    I’m reminded of the looming threats of the Persian kings to those who would prevent the rebuilding of the temple after the Babylonian captivity.

    I have often wondered if my co-religionists in the UK have thought of applying to the King for help in defending the TLM from its current assailants. It seems to me to be the kind of thing he would be happy to help preserve.

  6. VForr says:

    What a beautiful interior in that church! Pardon my ignorance. What is the church’s name?

  7. VForr: That is the magnificent main church of the Jesuits in Rome, the Gesù. It contains the tomb of St. Ignatius and the arm of St. Francis Xavier. The ceiling of the nave is one of the marvels of Rome.

  8. VForr says:

    Thank you, Father! It is a marvel. It is truly beautiful.

    On a related note, I overheard a conversation at my workplace that immediately reminded me of you and I wanted to share. My twenty-nine year old coworker recently proposed to his longtime girlfriend. I overheard him talking to two of our female coworkers, who were typically interested in the future wedding ceremony and reception. My coworker, who was raised Catholic though is not practicing regularly, said he wanted to get married in a church with “stone and stain glass everywhere.” He said, “When I go to church, I want to feel like I am stepping back in time. I do not want a modern space.” I found the comment intriguing and refreshing.

  9. PostCatholic says:

    I lack an opinion on the ideal posture of Catholics during Mass, but I do know Bishop Mark Brennan. He was my vocations director in the 80s when I was a Catholic seminarian. He is a thoughtful and kind man, and by no means a liturgical ideologue. Perhaps he’s made the wrong decision but if more of your bishops were of his ilk you’d be very well served.

  10. amenamen says:

    Pf6+, Kh6
    Qf8+, Qxf8

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