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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Gross. The anti human spirit.
Forgive my ignorance but is this by Rupnik?
The quintessential example of Rome’s understanding of a “listening Church.” They “perceive” only that which affirms their notions, and the affirmation is to be found only in what floats between their ears. Were the consequences not so dire it could be found laughable. It is in reality pastoral malpractice.
Even if Fr. Rupnik were a saint, his art would still be terrible.
They probably have a repository of images and they might not even know it is associated with him.
acardnal – It is in the style of the Centro Aletti which Rupnik led, but a workshop like this produces work by multiple hands, they are collaborative works. And they have continued to produce since he has left. They have recently said “Everyone who has commissioned a work of art realized by the Aletti Center has experienced that this art does not bear the signature of just one person.”
Before I had ever heard of Rupnik I had noticed some of the works and disliked them. In particular the publicity material for the Year of Mercy I found so repulsive that I never read any of it. But that is not my reaction to the image above.
Putting aside, for a moment, the question of Fr Rupnik’s past behavior, what do people find attractive about his artwork? I find his bug-eyed, misshapen cartoon characters repulsive. And they all look the same, like clip art out of an old missalette.
With all of the artists in the world, why did so many church leaders all over the world, glom on to this one to decorate their chapels and stationery?
I could almost miss the days of Sister Corita Kent.
Google translate of the main paragraphs:
“Removing, canceling, destroying art is never a good choice.” The statement is part of the answers that the prefect of the Dicastery for Communication, Paolo Ruffini, gave to some journalists during a conference of Catholic media in Atlanta (USA), on June 21. Questioned about the persistent use of images of Rupnik’s works by the Dicastery, the prefect pointed out that no new images are published, but only those already in the archive. (…) The particular American sensitivity, crossed by acute oppositions on these issues, has led to the opinion of Ruffini’s answers as largely ambiguous and inappropriate. Also because Nataša Govekar is active in the Dicastery (responsible for the theological and pastoral direction), consecrated member of the Aletti Center, co-author with Rupnik of several books and portrayed together with Fr. Spidlik and Rupnik himself in the Vatican chapel.”
@ acardnal,
If you search at Google for:
rupnik art on vatican site
and then switch to the images tab, you find after a bit of scrolling a post on X (formerly Twitter) by Dr. Taylor Marshall (3:11 PM · Aug 15, 2024) that confirms your suspicions. The brief caption might not be suitable for all audiences.
You mustn’t be too harsh on them, poor old things! Such agencies are run by octogenarian sisters who have not looked at the world around them for 50 years. A world of total, blissful, introversion – such is the Vatican.
So a woman abusing priest –allegedly –is the artist that the Vatican uses for the Feast of the Assumption? I’m xpectng a mini clown car to stop soon with a passel of clown cardinals falling out laughing hysterically with big clown shoes and white clown faces with cardinal garb…
And evil diktats that come out on feast days is just coincidence. We live in a perpetual state of Oops. On a human level, I would like to inform the Vatican they can’t hurt or shock us anymore. The level of our expectation of them is earth’s core level, we’re talking, magma level, they can’t get under it. We look to them not for anything worthwhile, in fact, we don’t raise an eyebrow when they do evil. We expect it, they have become predictable. We eagerly await the day God cleans and reclaims His Church, having no doubt that He will.
Twenty centuries of some of the greatest art ever produced and we have to settle for this. Really??
It’s called digging your feet in. In Scripture they call it obstinate of heart. Like the Pharaoh they are obstinate. Promoting that pervert. God help them!
A continuous “in your face” from the false church.
Just damn ugly-
The only thing missing is a David Haas tune.
@Danteewoo: In my opinion that is the main point: the terrible quality of Rupnik’s art. I am far from convinced of the notion that support for an artwork necessarily implies endorsement of the artist as a person, and in general I do not think it is a good idea to judge, select, or reject art on the basis of the character of its creator. I suppose it could be an interesting philosophical question to consider whether bad character must necessarily result in bad art, but if that’s true in a world where all but two people have been sinners, could any art be considered good? If Rupnik’s art is to suffer damnatio memoriae (as it should), let it be so for the reason that it is bad art (which it is).
Ya know, it would be one thing if the blasphemies and innuendos and snide points were part of good art, i.e. art that was worth looking at, visually at least. But to do all that nonsense in terms of really bad art, art that you wouldn’t want to look at even aside from the bad stuff!? It’s like they are deliberately insulting us along with being offensive for the sake of offensiveness.
Imagine if Rupnik was a priest in the United States.
My parish priest a few years back was falsely accused of a 25 year old incident. This from an anonymous phone call to the Archdiocese.
He was immediately booted. By the time he proved his innocence, he had reached retirement status.
It is just part of the decline of civilisation.