SAVE THE LITURGY – SAVE THE WORLD … GOAL: 1700 more priests who can celebrate Mass the Roman Rite, Usus Antiquior

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BeatifyStickler says:


  2. Emilio says:

    I think this is genius…definitely the way to move forward and carry on given the present restrictions. There is definitely no way to prohibit or control any priest or seminarian from LEARNING how to celebrate the TLM… there is nothing “they” can do about this. Can a Bishop keep a priest or seminarian from learning Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese checkers, welding, pétanque, paddle boarding??? Fat chance.

    I love how they got in the line: “when a FUTURE POPE reverses the restrictions,” in there. Bravissimo. That is more than fair, given the suffering “they” have caused.

    May this bear enormous fruit, resulting in legions of present and future clergy who will have learned this Rite, ready to offer it again when this long winter will have finally ended.

  3. Fr. Reader says:

    “Can a Bishop keep a priest or seminarian from learning Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese checkers, welding, pétanque, paddle boarding???”
    The main thing is that the seminarian wants to be ordained. And the bishop can deny the ordination if he feels the man is too trady. Better be low profile.
    In the Seminary I teach they had Extraordinary form every month, and many seminarians where exited about it. Now they have Ordinary form in Latin from time to time.

  4. Pingback: 1700 More Latin Mass Priests | Catholicism Pure & Simple

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