From the wonderful nativity scene at Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini in Rome.
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In churchy news…
Cardinal Ranjith just jumped to the top of my papabile index.
— Eric Sammons (@EricRSammons) December 17, 2024
Not churchy, but very cool…
Take thirty seconds and watch Europa and Io serenely sail by, massive Jupiter their background.
Imagine seeing this with your own eyes.
Envy those who, in the future, will.
? NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin M. Gill
— Curiosity (@MAstronomers) December 17, 2024
Speaking of churchy…
And the little (animated) child shall lead…
— Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone (@ArchCordileone) December 18, 2024
Interesting tidbit, my mother knew the original Charlie Brown, who inspired the character. I met him when I was very young. She also knew Lucy and Linus. Yes, they were real people.
Say a prayer for my mother, please.
Canonization of the Martyrs of Compiègne: “To the poorest daughter of Carmel, honor speaks louder than fear.”
— Rorate Caeli (@RorateCaeli) December 18, 2024
Hey Fathers! How about a clerical Guayabera shirt?
In chessy news… HERE
White to move and WIN
This is also very cool…
Flat Eartheres (flerfers?) are dying today because of fellow comrades who flew to Antarctica only to witness that the sun does indeed rotate all around the horizon as if Earth was (shocker) round!
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) December 17, 2024
White to move and WIN
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]
Interested in learning? Try THIS.
I’m an affiliate. Sign up and I’ll get credit.
In Oslo, Carlsen… what does one say? Undefeated along with upstart Denis the Menance. Levon lost all three. My guy Wesley beat “Puer” (which I always savor). Wesley had Magnus on the ropes, twice. But, alas, he put his foot wrong and Magnus Houdini’d his way out to win. It was hard to watch.
Action continues today.
Also, and Magnus will team up with the Esports World Cup Foundation in 2025 to compete in Riyadh from 31 July – 3 August for $1.5 million. 10 Minute format with no increments.
Nf6+, Pxf6
NASA T-shirt:
I actually wear this t-shirt to work!
Because of the periphery crew, Ranjith has been my uneducated non important guess as likely to be Papa. Him or Erdo as a new Innocent.
Nf6+, Pxf6
Nf6+, Bxf6
Qg3+, Bg7
Prayers for your dear mother, Fr. Z.
Prayers for your dear mother, Fr. Z.
Prayers for Mrs. Z.
You mean Scripture is correct! The Earth is the center of the universe!
Well, I guess all those Galileo supporters owe us an apology.
amenamen, I think you have the right moves, but they’re in the wrong order.
Play 1. Qg3+ first. After f4xQ, play 2. Rxg3+. Black has to play Bg7 to avoid mate.
Then play 3. Nf6+. If Black plays e7xN, 4. RxR is mate.
And if Black plays Kf8 (or Kh8), 4. BxB is mate.
I’ve wished Ranjith were Pope ever since 2012, when he said (and I’m paraphrasing), “I wish this SSPX regularization would hurry up and happen, because I want to put them in charge of my seminary.”