Daily Rome Shot 1205 – completed

A lovely morning view. Restoration work completed.

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This is the endeavor of the traditional Benedictine monks of Le Barroux, whom you hear singing in today’s podcast for Advent. Buying wine through them helps the monastery and, by helping them, we help the world. Right now – today – 30% off.

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In churchy news…

Remember that I once facetiously suggested that Pres. Trump might nominate Bp. Strickland as Ambassador to the Holy See?  He’d surely do a good job, but that wasn’t going to happen.  Here’s the nominee

Not churchy but very cool… (the audio is annoying)…

Animi caussa

The heaping of scorn continues!

In chessy news… HERE

While to move and mate in…. in… two!  How long did it take you?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. While to move and mate in…. in… two!  How long did it take you?

    In Oslo the Chess Champions Tour continues with the Semifinals. Magnus Carlsen and Alireza “Puer” Firouzja were one and two in the round-robin. Ian Nepomniachtchi and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave survived in the Survival Stage.  Alas, my guy Wesley So was eliminated yesterday but in good company, Denis the Menace Lazavik, Vincent Keymer, Levon Aronian.  On a cheerful note, Wesley’s run ended with a victory over Levon.

    Photo: Maria Emelianova/Chess.com

    Hey!  Sign up!  A new year is coming and you can get into a new thing!  Or an old thing if this is an old thing for you.  Let’s go!

  2. JMody says:

    How long before His Eminence Cupich has to deal with crowds like that before Pilate in “Life of Brian”? Hanging on his every word, even offering prompts, only to laugh hysterically at everything he utters –>
    “Vewy weww, I wiww wewease Wodewick”.

    It’s getting to be where any other rational response to this … singular intellect is either uncivilized, dishonest, or both.

  3. ajf1984 says:

    Amazing news about Brian Burch! And, to be honest, I’d much rather read a book by H. E. Cupich about lining up than Cardinal Fernandez’s How-To guide on making out… {eyeroll}

  4. Gregg the Obscure says:

    thank you Fr. Z for the Titan video. that had escaped my notice until now. it does one good to see such remarkable achievements and beauties of the created world that previous generations could only dream about.

  5. Clinton says:

    Burch’s nomination is sending all the best people into a spittle-flecked nutty. You just know our President-elect has made a stellar choice for his Ambassador to the Holy See when it’s got folks like Austen Ivereigh on X clutching his pearls and looking for his fainting couch. What a lovely Christmas present to Catholics from our President-to-be!

  6. A.S. Haley says:

    1. Bf8! (Threatening 2. Qg7 mate) RxB
    2. Ne7 mate

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