Daily Rome Shot 1221 – mistreated

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Yesterday, Feast of the Holy Family, I celebrated Holy Mass for the intention of my benefactors.  This is a duty and a pleasure.   It is my practice also to remember at the Memento of the Dead (in the Canon) my benefactors who have died.  If I get notice, I record it.  I will not forget.

Many thanks for the January/February BRIEF Roman Sojourn donations from (I hope I got everyone):


You are deeply appreciated for your kindness. My main expenses are covered for this trip. I’ll have another drive before returning to Rome in April for Holy Week and beyond. That doesn’t mean that you can’t contribute now, of course.  There’s “wavy flag” and, my preference, Zelle.



The wonderful Card. Zen! Mistreated in life.

The wonderful Card. Pell… mistreated in life and in death.

Not so churchy…

Help the wonderful monks of Norcia as they build their monastic complex.

In chessy news…. HERE

Interested in learning?  Try THIS.

Black to move and mate in 3.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Black to move and mate in 3.

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    Events? There is the Bundesliga goin on, but I haven’t been following.

    I learned about something intriguing. The ACO 2025 World Super Senior (65+) Chess Championship which will be held from 15-24 May (which is when I am scheduled to be in Rome) on the Greek Island of Kos. They have different groups according to rating. I think this would be really fun. There is a 50+ also. Chess tourism! The real expense would be (if I am in Rome) the hotel/resort. I think getting an apartment and renting a car would be better and flexible though less convenient.

  2. Not says:

    AdamWest, YES. I was appalled when in the “new” batman series, Batman was in bed with a woman Reporter. (If I remember correctly that she was a reporter)
    Why oh why.

  3. Gregg the Obscure says:

    i wholeheartedly agree about Batman.

    I think there was a glitch in the mention about the late Cdl. Pell. such a sad story.

  4. grateful says:

    I wonder what kind of beautiful bird that is in the picture.

  5. Probably a seagull. Rome is full of them. Rats with wings.

  6. Kathleen10 says:

    I remember hearing at the time that the Swiss Guards would not leave Pope Benedict’s body unguarded, though they were instructed to by the men who infest the Vatican and run such things. God bless them for that.
    The reported condition of Cardinal Pell’s body and belongings is an accurate measure of the condition of the souls of those men in the Vatican. In our corrupt world it’s hard to think of anything more vengeful, petty, vindictive, mean, than to disrespect the body of a man, a priest, a Cardinal. They made sure that word got out. Thou art a worm, who does this evil thing. It is acting out a sickness and a warning to the living, don’t mess with us.
    Some might say, oh, that was a condition of this or that, some silly excuse for it, but a look at the utility van that transported Pope Benedict’s body to St. Peter’s would cure that delusion. Listen to the video of it as well. Not a limo to transport him, not a beautiful, dignified vehicle, an old, creaky utility van, I half expected it to backfire when it stopped to bring out the body. Who goes to such lengths to inflict disrespect and meaningful insults? These men do. As little as we think of them, we think too much. God will deal with them as we can’t.

  7. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    The gulls have taken Rome! Eheu! Omnia perdita!

  8. TheCavalierHatherly: WELL DONE!

  9. EAW says:

    The account of how the body of Cardinal Pell was desecrated is shocking. The Vatican is in need of a very thorough purge.

  10. A.S. Haley says:

    No one seems to have solved the chess problem yet, so I’ll suggest this:
    1. . . . f7f6+
    2. Kf5 Kf7
    3. [any legal move] g7g6 mate.

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