Welcome registrants:
Once again, thank to my donors for my rapidly approaching Roman Sojourn for the end of January and beginning of February. It’s a fast one. I have “chores” to do. Some of you wonderful readers pitched in. Here’s an updated list (I had missed one of you):
JL, SAS, JL, JK, MH, GF, KM, VD, DLS, HL, TB, DvdH, LD, KK, AC, GW, DM, T&MLG, DH, DM, AN, JC, SB, SP, MM, AR, KC, RG (restricted to favorite drinks), GG, JA, DC
Thank you all. My main expenses are covered for this trip. I will have some “practical” expenses and I have to compensate some people who worked on spiffing up my place. There’s “wavy flag” and, my preference, Zelle. I’ll have another, more serious drive before returning to Rome for Holy Week in April and beyond into May.
In churchy news…
I would like to have been at this conference. In fact, I would have gone had I KNOWN about it.
“The root of evil is not clericalism, whatever that may be, but the rejection of truth and moral licentiousness” (Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller in a homily at a clergy conference in Rome on January 14 ). pic.twitter.com/6uasazE0l2
— P. D’Angona, Sacerdos Romano-Catholicus (@RomanoSace57080) January 15, 2025
In England, state funding has been withdrawn for teaching Latin. HERE
The dissolution of civilisation in England continues. Motus in finem velocior.
At The Pillar there is a refreshingly non-muckraking piece by a young man of my acquaintance, a longish history of the faithful being forced by clericalists to stand for Communion. I knew this smart, devout and diligent fellow in Madison. He marshals good sources. Read this in the wake of the Windy prelate’s goofy notions about Communion and processions. In a nutshell, the relentless efforts to impose Communion while standing was met with intense dislike by the faithful, who were then overridden and run over by their liberal cleric overlords. HERE It is interesting how the attitude of the lib liturgical bullies toward the faithful who wanted tradition has today reemerged viciously. The Enemy – a Bully – is relentless but not particularly innovative.
In other news, I read at Italian new agency ANSA that Francis fell in the Casa Santa Marta and has now a bruised forearm, but not a break. He also fell on 6 Dec and wound up with a bruised face from his bedside table.
In sad news, at La Nazione it is reported that a seminarian – deacon – of the Institute of Christ the King in Italy at Gricigliano, French-born Charles Outtier, was killed from a tractor overturning while working an olive grove. R.I.P. Say a prayer for him and for his family.
Next… Bp. Strickland cites an old friend and seminary-mate of mine back in my native place, Fr. Robert Altier.
Please, please, please listen to Fr Altier, he is a Saint Timothy for the 21st Century. Stand with Christ and His Church, be ready to be crucified with Him and you will rise with Him.
Some are seeking to change the Truth that cannot be changed. Please pray for them in charity…
— Bishop J. Strickland (@BishStrickland) January 15, 2025
In chessy news…
White to move and mate in two. Time yourself. Ready… set… CLICK!
Here’s your Daily Rome Shot.
First, this, for context.
Next, some interesting Latin.
Just to help out, this is the video to which Bp. Strickland refers, Fr. Altier’s homily…
White to move and mate in two. Time yourself. Ready… set… CLICK!
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]</span
Yesterday at OTB I wound up, not very enthusiastically, playing 5-minue blitz games. I’m not very good at blitz. I lost most of them, but as I adjusted I was getting better and better positions but losing on time. Finally, I won a couple outright. But, in the balance, I have a long way to go. Blitz… you need strong openings and you have to take a second to blunder check.
Bc6, Qxc6
Freeze the Queen with
1. Bc6 forcing QxB
2. Qe7#
Fr Altier hits it outta the park.
What does the “P XRO” above the rest of the inscription mean? Is it related to XR or is the rest of the word just cut off?
The Spada’s chapel in San Gerolamo della Carità. Terrific opus of the “Swiss” architect Borromini.