ROME DAY 25/01 -02: Chinese Food (Sichuan)

Where I am the sun rose at 7:12 and it will set at 17:02.

If you were in Rome, after seeing the sunrise at 7:28 you could venerate the relics of St. Emerentiana at the Basilica of St. Agnes on the Via Nomentana and then later observe the sunset at 17:16 to be followed by the Ave Maria Bell, theoretically at 17:30.



HEY ri**** – My note to you was kicked back.  NEW EMAIL?

Last night priest friends and I went to a favored Chinese place for supper.   We started with xiao long bao (not shown) and moved on to other delights.

This was the cumin lamb.

I had to move fast because one our gang practically lunged at the food as it came out of the kitchen.

Shrimp in mayonnaise with walnuts and pineapple.  For those of you in Columbia Heights, yes, that’s broccoli.

Eggplant in garlic sauce.

Dry Pepper Chicken. Quite spicy.

Mixed Vegetables.

Another thing not shown here is the Beef in Hot Sauce. I know I took a photo, but this morning it isn’t in the album. Strange. It was a medium-sized bowl with a stew of beef, garlic, Chinese cabbage and lots of hot peppers with a touch of peppercorns. At this point even our lunging companion had to slow down. Good conversation. Good food. Hard to beat. It’s a pretty simple place. Nothing fancy about it at all, kind of a long marrow hole in the wall, but nice people and good food. We keep going back. I’ve slowly but surely been working out way through the menu, but something are absolutely necessary, like xiao long bao. They are not the best I’ve had, but they are pretty good. But they need bigger spoons! (Note to self. Bring spoon.)

In churchy news, I already posted about the great article on the Catholic teaching concerning “deportation”. HERE

After Chinese, when there was perhaps a little cigar smoke wafting, I saw a video for the first time of the decidedly stupid speech given by the bishopette aimed at 47 and colleagues. The reactions in the pews were great and quite restrained given the obvious insult. However, I saw this interesting tweet. HERE As we saw, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) was in charge of the inaugural doings. As it turns out, that “bishopette” was in Minneapolis for a while, which was ground zero for women’s ordination in the Episcopal Church. So, Amy got her dig in, and used her position for a personal jab. But, hey, I grew up in Minneapolis where the Klobuchar name was familiar. Her father was a long time newspaper columnist, which is surely how she made her way: name recognition (not rare).

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

In chessy news…. nah.

White to move and win. Win, not mate. There’s a move that wraps it up.

[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jflare29 says:

    “I read on X a suggestions that the Gulf should be renamed the Gulf of Our Lady of Guadalupe.”
    I would rather we didn’t. I don’t doubt the apparition. I DO question the Church’s emphasis on Hispanic culture. If Our Lady’s apparition aimed to encourage people to come to Christ, too many have assumed we may only worthily do so through a Hispanic lens. It’s as if no other group of people–like my own Irish or German ancestors–ever had any merit or faith. ..I can assure you they did.
    Nor do I think the Gulf of America is especially wise either. Trump’s reference to Manifest Destiny in his inaugural address bears some scrutiny. I’m not terribly fond of Mexico and we certainly need to assert ourselves–protect our rights–with the Panama Canal. Still, I don’t think we have need to poke the Mexican people in the eye this way.

  2. Gregg the Obscure says:

    In my late wife’s birthplace of New Jersey there are many “bring your own bottle” restaurants due to arcane liquor laws. This is the first suggestion I’ve seen of a “bring your own spoon” restaurant.

  3. Julia_Augusta says:

    Father Z, will you be in Rome this weekend? I’m off to Rome and staying close to Trinita dei Pellegrini. Looking forward to going to Mass at Trinita.

  4. A.S. Haley says:

    Apparently, no one has addressed your chess problem yet, Father Z, so I’ll try.
    To me, White’s best move is 1. c2c4. Black can capture White’s pawn en passant, but if he does not, and tries something like Kd3, the pawn will simply outrace Black’s King to d8 and become a Queen. Or if he moves his Bishop to take the pawn on d5 or d7, White can play g6g7, and the Bishop can’t then stop the pawn from queening on g8.
    So what happens if Black plays 1. . . . b4xc4 ep? White responds 2. Bc2! and now Black cannot push his pawns or move his Bishop, so he has to move his King. No matter where he puts it, White’s next move is g6g7, and Black can’t stop the pawn from becoming a Queen.

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