ROME DAY 25/01 02: jet lag

Today the sun was up by 07:26 and it was down by 17:20.  Getting longer.  Last I was here, they were getting shorter.   The Ave Maria Bell, back in November, was also in the 17:30 cycle.   It is now, too.    But unless you are in a special place, you won’t hear it.

It is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany.  The Vatican Curia calendar indicates that this is the “Domenica della Parola di Dio”.  Frankly, I think every Sundays is the Sunday of the Word of God.  At least I treat them that way, at 1 Peter 5.

Today I celebrated Holy Mass for my Benefactors who sent donations for this trip.   I won’t forget the rest of you!

An action shot of don Dimitri incensing the Evangelarium,

After Mass one of the members of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Trinity of the Pilgrims and Convalescents (founded by St. Philip Neri … I’m the first priest member in maybe a century…) hosted a little reception for the occasion of her onomastico, which is Agnes (so, it’s like the octave of Agnes, Romans are flexible with time).   She made some of the best lasagne I’ve had in a long time.

It’s so nice to be with these great people.  The Archconfraternity is doing well.  Today, The Great Roman™ and the Get It Done Pastor™ were talking about the interview TGR did with EWTN.   Moreover, the Archon is in a book published about the Jubilee (get it?  Rome and Pilgrims?).  HERE

Everything was boxed up when I was last here.  Look.  How beautiful.

In honor of the Palazzo Farnese being cleaned, watch a video of the end of the 2nd act of Tosca, when she stabs Scarpia in the throat with a pair of scissors and then taunts him as he chokes on his blood.  Never gets old.   This is where the 2nd Act of that oh-so-Roman opera takes place.

The production at the Met a few years ago with Sonya Yoncheva was spectacular. Here’s the part where Tosca get’s her revenge. The Napoleanic governor of Rome, the evil Scarpia, is holding Tosca’s main squeeze prisoner. He’s gonna die if she doesn’t give in to his obsessed lascivious demands. She has other ideas. If you have a chance watch the whole opera, in segments. It’s the best Tosca I have ever seen.

“What’s wrong? Are you choking on your blood? Die, damned! Die! DIE!”

Maria Callas.

Tosca is the perfect opera for the beginner and the “in-operable”. It’s short, it has famous arias, and everybody dies.

A while back, there was a broadcast production of Tosca from the real sites of the action, Chiese Sant’Andrea della Valle, Palazzo Farnese and Castel Sant’ Angelo. I’d like to find that, but I’m tired.

A street I walk down.

This is too cool not to share.

Let it be said.

There’s some B asn in B, S as in S at Fishwrap – what a disaster! Please God snuff it OUT – but Hazell does the lifting.

The Fishwrap piece is deeeeeeply stupid. HERE

As much as dismissing trad Catholicism as a mere LARP (“live action role-playing game”) or fringe internet identity category would be unfair, there’s something to be said about the fact that it has flourished in spaces like Reddit, Tumblr and X (formerly Twitter), which have also served as a breeding ground for gamer communities, fandoms and new gender and sexual identities.

Yeah… right.   Scorn.

US high schools and this.  Compare and contrast.  HERE

VP Vance has things to say about the US Bishops.  HERE (Fishwrap had a spittle-flecked nutty)

Chessy news…

Mate in 4.  White’s move.

[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]


Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “Bureaucratic and unimaginative” can so easily describe the Eastern Roman Empire… but hey, never let a thing like “literacy” or “history” or “education” get in the way of a mediocre observation.

  2. Sportsfan says:

    Get ’em J.D.

    Hillbillies will save the world.

  3. JonPatrick says:

    “the product of an artificial culture constructed to pick and choose elements from the past that fit the ideological and aesthetic tastes of its adherents. ”

    Actually a pretty good description of the Novus Ordo Mass.

  4. johntenor says:

    Someday, even the fish will refuse to be wrapped in it.

  5. EAW says:

    I’m glad you arrived safely. Enjoy your stay in Rome!

  6. Julia_Augusta says:

    Father Z,
    It was good to see you back in Rome. I attended the high Mass at Trinita, and I received Holy Communion from you. I was sitting in a pew on the left side of the church, and on the back of the pew in front of me, I saw this inscription: “Orate pro Ioanne Zuhlsdorf Sac”

    And I did what it told me to do.

    Unfortunately I had no time to say hello to you (I had met you 2 yrs ago on Passion Sunday) after Mass, as I had a restaurant reservation at Giulietta, close to the church on the Via Giulia. I high recommend that restaurant.

  7. Julia: Walked by the that restaurant on the Via Giulia and wondered about it. It looked promising. I will check it out.

    Thank you for your prayers. They are much needed.

  8. grateful says:

    It’s nice to see a wide street.

  9. A.S. Haley says:

    I understand how these things happen when you’re traveling, Father Z — you neglected to enable comments on your previous post (“Rome Day 25/01 01”), so no solutions to your chess problem could be entered (such as: 1. . . . Rxg2+, 2. Kh1 Rxf2+, 3. Kg1 Ra8g8+, 4. Qg5 RxQ mate). But now two days have gone by, and no one has proposed a solution to this post’s problem, either. (Hello, amenamen?) I have no desire to monopolize the chess dialog here, especially when you put up videos such as the finale of act II of Tosca, and the unforgettable Maria Callas’ singing of Vissi d’arte.

    When it comes to chess, I, too, feel entitled to say with Floria Tosca, “Vissi d’arte” — namely, the arts of both chess and music. I will just sign off by suggesting to the other (Catholic?) chess enthusiasts who follow this blog that they post their solutions to the problem above before I comment any further on it, other than to say that it is not that difficult.

  10. AS Haley: The strange thing is that I didn’t turn off comments. Nor do I need to enable them. The combox went away and then came back and I didn’t change anything. My guess is that the Enemy is doing some distracting party tricks once again because I am in Rome. It happens either just as I am about to come here or while I am here.

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