Today in Rome the sun rose at 0727 and it set at 1719 and the Ave Maria Bell was to ring at1730.
It is the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. I’m and convert, and I converted in St. Paul.
I also have a 1st class relic of St. Paul… not with me, however.
It has been a productive day.
The Great Roman™ found me at the airport and gave me a lift, bless him. Then we went to do internet installation things. That’s my one task on this trip. Anything else is gravy.
Internet installation seems easy to do. BUT… this is Rome and you never know.
You can see how dark the dome of San Pietro is becoming. Can’t they outsource this? Surely someone will foot the bill since the Holy See has self-destructed financially.
We parked near the Ponte Sisto, which is destined to by a significant signpost in my life.
First, the very first time I was in Rome I stayed in the street leading into it, which runs by The Parish™. Then I walked across it for my first meal in Rome in that year, early 80s. I wasn’t Catholic yet. Now it is in the middle of where I have been for years. Also, I remember Fr. Foster torture a Harvard Latin prof with the inscription by the bridge. That memory is every green.
After some time in the Vodafone store getting internet sorted, we had to regain our strength.
Pizza bianca and mortadella with black truffle.
Which panino is mine? (Okay, this one might not be very hard.)
It’s a short trip and a trial run, a learning venture. I see there are still quite a few things to get, but the MAIN thing is getting internet.
QUAERITUR: Should I get a toaster oven? There’s no microwave. No toaster either.
In chessy news… I understand Tata Steel is getting spicy. I, however, am busy.
That said, for part of the flight I used the inseat games and played chess against the Thing, at the highest level. Even experimenting, I cleaned its clock. I had a memory that it was harder. Am I getting better?
Black to move and mate in 4. Look at those scary bishops… and not for the usual churchy reason.
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]
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