Rome 24/10 – Day 30: A little help, please

On 30 October, after the priests have said their usual morning Masses, The World’s Best Sacristan™ is already setting up Missals and vestments for observance of the Vigil on the 31st, though strictly speaking it is not in the 1962 calendar.

The purple vestments at The Parish™ seem to be in good shape.  I don’t think we will need a Purple Project.  However, it is possible that The World’s Best Sacristan™ put out one of the better ones here.

Recently I’ve said Masses from DMcN, from AS, from LK, from DvH, from EW, from VD, from FQ, from AW, from TE… upcoming… from JF, from LD, from SH.  I have also said Masses for my parents and my benefactors.

Apartment news… I am anxious.

I went to see a place and there were EIGHT other people there to see it, which was an annoying surprise. There is something not altogether right with the paperwork and the way this is being done and I am perplexed. I have an expert realtor giving me a hand to maneuver in these waters.

Meanwhile… please, someone, send me 2,000,000 euro so I can buy instead of rent and be rid of this … thing.   A little help.   Thanks.

In the meantime…

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

In churchy news….

This priest really gets it.

Yes, that can be filed under “churchy news”, particularly because we need pastors of souls to say what is what.

The Bernini baldichin over the main altar of St. Peter’s was cleaned.

“Trick or treat!”  Francis again cut the salaries of the cardinals who live in Rome. HERE    It seems that people – mainly Americans – aren’t giving like they used to.

Remember Barry’s war on the Little Sister of the Poor?  To force them by fining them to pay for contraception, etc., for employees?  (The late Charles Krauthammer quipped that it was bad optics; after all, they were picking on the Little Sisters of the Poor … not even the Big Sisters of the Middle Class).   He is missed.  A great chess player, too.   At The Federalist there is a piece about what an future dem admin in the White House would do to Churches under the Queen of Abortion.

Speaking of the Queen of Abortion, did you see the photos of her with that hideous anti-Catholic drag perv group in California – the one that the traitorous dogs of the Dodgers snuggled up to and only Bp. Strickland of the bishops protested?   I can’t tell which I dislike more, the Yankees or the Dodgers.  However, I know what I think about the Queen of Abortion and her crowd.

Speaking of the Yankees and the Dodgers…
This… I’ve never seen.

The Carmelites in Texas have been booted out of the officially recognized consecrated religious life for bucking the system. HERE I suspect they just wanted to be left alone and things got out of hand. Pretty sad.

The Archbp. of Cincinnati has cut diocesan ties with the Girl Scouts because of their twisted gender trash. Good for him. HERE

The Diocese of Jefferson City (Missouri, for those of you in Columbia Heights) has issued a list of banned hymns! It isn’t nearly long enough. I have suggestions. But it is a good thing. HERE I noted with pleasure that anything by David Haas is a no no. “Dear Father, do you have a reason for such a thought?” Yes, apart from the fact that he lived with us at my US seminary and we suffered his music in agony, he was a heretic and perv. So, yeah… no music by him.

In chessy news…. HERE

(Black to move and mate in 2.)

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Black to move and mate in 2.

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    In St. Louis at the Chess9LX (Fischer Random) event Fabiano leads unbeaten after six rounds, including a critical win in Round 5 over Wesley So (too bad). Hikaru Nakamura is next, who had two wins and a draw against Garry Kasparov, in third. The Round 5 set up:

    Don’t adjust your screen.

  2. OrdainedButStillbeingFormedDiakonos says:

    A couple of comments (both unrelated…) – I saw that play live last night and it was unbelievable! Not so much the gent who tried to catch the ball first, but the “fan” who actually opened the glove of Mookie Betts and took the ball out (looked like he initially wanted a souvenir). Still an out and he got to watch the remainder of the game on television. So much for his expensive seats along the line!

    As for music, we have a new pastor who is of the sacred music mind. The same three composers are banned in our archdiocese as is the music by the USCCB, however, our liturgists, I mean musicians, in the folk group continue to play that music. I cringe when I have to assist at Mass when they sing. As an aside “folk groups”, e.g. 70s music rejects, need to disappear permanently. This particular group also sings an OCP version of the Lord’s Prayer written by a past priest of our parish and it is problematic.

    The new pastor is open (we chatted at breakfast one morning) so I am patiently hopeful that our music will that group will improve – many of the other groups sing sacred music, this particular one does not.

    And don’t get me started about clapping at the end of mass like we are at a concert. When I sit with my wife (when not assisting), I no longer clap after mass.

  3. A.S. Haley says:

    Had to look a bit to find the key, which is getting White’s Queen off of her pin of Black’s Bishop:
    1. . . . Qc2+
    2. QxQ (forced) d4d3 disc ch & mate.

  4. monstrance says:

    Yep – Yankee Fans. Surprised they didn’t swipe the glove as well.
    As for Mass clapping – On a recent Saturday evening in Trastevere, walked past a Church – doors were open – could hear the clapping. Peeked inside – the Priest was at the altar clapping to some song. Children filled the first several pews. They were all clapping. Along with most of the congregation.
    How’s the idea of “The Children’s Mass” Working out for us. ?

  5. Senor Quixana says:

    Having spent my life in 2 counties in south central PA, I never cared about the Yankees or the Dodgers, except for affection for Tommy Lasorda, a character and a man with character. I am a Phillies fan among Orioles fans. (We get along well being in different leagues.) After the Dodger organization fell all over itself showing obeisance to the trans gang I am a fan pro tempore of whoever they are playing. Go Yankees.

  6. waalaw says:

    1. Q-c2+
    If . . . . . . . B-e2
    2. R×e2# (Black’s Q screens e2)
    If . . . . . . . Q×c2
    2. d4-d3# (B no longer attacked by Q)

  7. L. says:

    Regarding donations to the Vatican, I can’t remember the last time I heard about a Peter’s Pence collection being taken up in our parish or diocese. You’d think that the alternative-lifestyle lobby whom the Vatican patronizes would take up the slack.
    I wonder how much of the Vatican deficit is owing to the loss of the services of Theodore McCarrick, often described as a “legendary fundraiser.” I used to see a picture of him and my Ordinary every year presenting a check from the Papal Foundation to the Pope.

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