Tag Archives: Tears of St. Lawrence

The Tears of St. Lawrence 2024, the Perseid meteors. Wherein Fr. Z rants.

Perseid meteors started in mid-July but they will peak on the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13. Why Perseids? If you trace the meteors backwards, it looks like they are shooting out of the constellation Perseus. Otherwise, we call … Read More

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The Tears of St. Lawrence are intensifying

While yesterday was the Feast of St. Lawrence, the Tears of St. Lawrence are to intensify today. Your planet is moving through the debris field of a comet, Swift-Tuttle.  Over the next few days there will be more and more … Read More

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Annual meteor shower – Perseids – the Tears of St Lawrence

Today is the Feast of St Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr.  He was a serious hard-core saint in hard times. This is also the time of year that your planet whirls through the debris left by the comet known … Read More

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They’re here! The Tears of St. Lawrence

UPDATE 12 August: Very cool.  The view of the meteor shower from above, on the ISS! UPDATE 11 August: From SpaceWeather: PERSEID METEOR OUTBURST–TONIGHT! Earth is approaching a thicket of debris from comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. When … Read More

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Prelude to the Tears of St. Lawrence

From Spaceweather: PERSEID FIREBALLS: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Peak rates of 100+ meteors per hour are expected next week when Earth approaches the heart of the debris … Read More

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Are you going to take your children out to look at meteors?

Are you going to take your children out to look at meteors?  Think about it. You can tell them the true story of St. Lawrence and the myth of Perseus as you watch them. My favorite memory of watching the … Read More

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The Tears of St. Lawrence are still flowing

Did you know that the annual Perseid Meteor Shower is nicknamed "The Tears of St. Lawrence"?  The shower occurs every year around the feast of the grate … great Saint as Mother Earth zooms through a cloud of debris deposited … Read More

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