Card. Lustiger – RIP

» 2007-08-05 22:37
Francia: morto cardinale Lustiger
Ex arcivescovo di Parigi, aveva 80 anni
(ANSA-AFP) – PARIGI, 5 AGO – Il cardinale Jean-Marie Lustiger, ex arcivescovo di Parigi, e’ morto oggi nella capitale francese, all’eta’ di 80 anni.Lo si e’ appreso da fonte governativa. Nell’ottobre 2006, lo stesso Lustiger aveva annunciato che era affetto da una ‘malattia grave’. Nato il 17 settembre 1926 a Parigi da una famiglia di commercianti ebrei di origine polacca, Aaron Lustiger si era convertito nel 1940 al cattolicesimo, scegliendo il nome di Jean-Marie. Era stato ordinato sacerdote nel 1954.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Therese Warmus says:

    The loss of a brilliant churchman.

  2. danphunter1 says:

    Dear Lord may His Eminence rest in peace.
    Thy Will be done.

  3. michigancatholic says:

    The things that he said are over and past, like last year’s grass. We lost a brother today and that is more important. Prayers.

  4. Boko Fittleworth says:

    Actually, there is a current Archbishop of Paris, non? Abp 21 or 33 or whoever. So I guess this may lead to a new red hat, but no personnel changes.

  5. Derik says:

    May God have mercy on his servant Jean-Marie Card. Lustiger, forgive his sins and call him to his Right Hand Side.

  6. RBrown says:

    Abp Vingt-trois has been ordinary in Paris for 26 months.

    Previously, he was ordinary at Tours, near Fontgombault. He has visited the abbey and said mass using the 1962 Missal.

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