Celebration of Extraordinary Mass in Raleigh, NC

You might recall that the Bishop of Raleigh, NC, His Excellency Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge had issued one of the best statements about Summorum Pontificum I have seen by any bishop anywhere.

Bishop Burbidge steps up to the plate as well.

There was a Mass cantata celebrated in thanksgiving for the Motu Proprio in Raleigh, and Bishop Burbidge attended.

Here is the happy crew of clergy in attendance.

Notice the friendly wave from St. Michael the Archangel, who seems quite pleased with His Excellency’s proper choir dress.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. paw prints says:

    I was there and it was a GLORIOUS Mass! The church was absolutely packed. People were standing in the back and all along the sides. The Friends of Mozart from Chapel Hill,under the direction of Roger Petrich, sang a gorgeous Mozart Mass in C. Again, giant thanks to Bishop Burbidge and Fr. Parkerson!
    What an evening it was! :)

  2. Edmund C. says:

    I was there as well, singing up in the choir with the “Friends of Mozart”. It was a fantastic evening, and I can’t wait to see more Extraordinary Masses offered in our diocese.

    I’m glad that we were able to come sing, and another huge thanks to Bishop Burbidge for his support and to Fr. P and the folks at Sacred Heart for their hospitality.

  3. Alli says:

    It was absolutely gorgeous… and my group and I had to stand outside because it was so full!

    What a blessing from God, especially to hear the Bishop say he hopes to make the forma extraordinaria more widely available in the diocese – music to my ears.

    I only wish H.E. Bishop Jugis from Charlotte, my home diocese, would make a statement already.

  4. Beth V. says:

    I wish I could have been there. I thought it would be so crowded with Bishop Burbidge and the fact that it is the only parish in the diocese that celebrates the Forma Extraordinaria. Also, Dunn is not exactly next door to Raleigh where I live. I hope that one of our parishes in the city will be next. Thank God that my parish always has the finest celebrated Novus Ordo in the city I believe.

  5. Diane says:

    Fr. Z says: “Notice the friendly wave from St. Michale the Archangel, who seems quite pleased with His Excellency’s proper choir dress”

    I think I see a smile on St. Michael’s face too.

    Fr. Z: Pictures from Assumption Grotto’s Solemn High Mass yesterday with Fr. Perrone celebrating. I was happy for us, but even more happy for him. He was glowing for days leading up to this. We had an awesome turnout too.

    I am just so blown away by every little detail I see – like a kid in the candy shop wondering what it means. Every action, even the deacon kissing the biretta of the celebrant has meaning. There is so much for us to explore from the beautiful words which finally provide balance the liturgy with a re-introduction of the concept of humility and sacrifice.

  6. danphunter1 says:

    Ecce Sacerdos Magnus.

  7. Mike in NC says:

    I was at the Mass as well. The legal maximum inside the church is 168, according to the Dunn fire marshal, and the fire marshal didn’t show up, Deo gratias. Afterwards, I suggested to the Bishop that he make his preaching from this Mass available via his podcast. (See the RSS feeds from the Diocese.)

    The choir was very good, and I say that even though Mozart is a taste I haven’t acquired in my 56 years on this earth.

    The time of the Sunday TLM in Dunn is now noon, not 4 p.m.

    Beth V.: Bp Burbidge hopes to have two TLMs in Wake County, one in a Raleigh parish, one in a southern Wake parish. The southern Wake parish pastor is in the photo in this blog post. Driving from where I live in north Raleigh in Friday evening rush hour took two hours, twice as long as the Sunday drive time to Dunn, so it’s not out of the question for me to head there Sundays.

  8. Sid Cundiff says:

    Pray that the Diocese of Charlotte will be next!

  9. danphunter1 says:

    Mike in NC,
    I live in Hillsbourough NC.
    We assist at Sacred Heart, but it takes almost 2hrs for us to get there.
    Can you tell me where in Wake county those Classical Rite Mass’s will be?
    Thank you and God Bless you.

  10. Beth V. says:

    Mike in NC:
    Thank you for the exciting news that two additional TLM’s will be celebrated in Wake Co. and one even here in Raleigh. I echo danphunter1’s question…which parishes, do you know?

  11. Kim says:

    This is so exciting! We moved back to the Diocese of Raleigh (I grew up here) 2 years ago and I really am glad things are starting to go in a better direction.
    Beth and danphunter – strictly off the record, I think one of the parishes may be St Bernadette’s– but nothing official has been said yet. I would not be surprised if the other is St Joseph’s.

    I am surprised that Bishop Jugis of Charlotte has not issued any statements, he seems a very good bishop. One of the first things he did when he was installed was institute liturgical norms, and he has made other changes for the better, like the Eucharistic Congress (which is this coming Friday and Saturday).

  12. Simon-Peter Vickers-Buckley says:

    The question I have is this: why do this in Dunn? Surely the Cathedral in downtown Raleigh would have been better?

    There are only two parishes in southern Wake County, St. Mary’s in Garner, and St. Bernadette’s in Fuquay-Varina. I don’t see Father Schneider, I do see Father Betti though (I think), front row, second from right (in front of…is that Father Saxon?), next to Father Mears (front row, far right). Must be St. Bernadette’s then. That’s a turn-up.

    Where in Raleigh? The Cathedral? Looking at all the parishes in the Raleigh deanery, it is more a question of elimination.

    The priest in Wake Forest gave a flat-out “no” go somewhere else a few days before he died, so perhaps things have changed there. St. Francis is homosexual heaven, so that’s out. Cary…too far west and too modernist Yankee. St. Raphael’s, horrible place and, again, full of modernist, transplanted Yankees. Our Lady of Lourdes is a possibility, but not with that altar-sanctuary set-up…and there would be some resistance, huge parish and wealthy but they can’t even staff their perpetual adoration chapel. Some folks only go to OLL so they can get the in-parish rate for the school. Apex? Don’t know anything about that parish. St. Joseph’s is probably the place. The Monsignor is openly sympathetic. The new vocations director just took up residence (though, from past experience, he is not a fan of the TLM), and St. Joseph’s has about 20 altar boys (and boys only)…lots of folks at St. Joseph’s moved there because of modernist issues at other parishes, the parish council is blatantly conservative-traditional, as are most of the families, I have been assured in the strongest possible way that lots of folks at St. Joseph’s have made the request, that the parish council backs it. St. Joseph’s has just begun a major renovation which will include a proper raised sanctuary and altar and an apse (almongst other things).

    St. Joseph’s location too is very good, right off 440 and close to 540, and 64, yet only 10 minutes from downtown Raleigh.

  13. Simon-Peter Vickers-Buckley says:

    That, that…isn’t Father Steven Smith O.P. on the far left, front row is it? This is not possible! Father Smith is the poster-boy for on the spot ad-libbing and innovation during Mass – he changes whatever words he wants when he wants, not only that, he has publicly questioned the accuracy of the Gospel of John…you know what I mean, right?

    What is he doing there?

  14. RosieC says:


    I can answer the first question for you. Our pastor in Dunn has had an indult to say the Traditional Mass for about 3 1/2 years now. The idea of having this Mass on Friday in Raleigh was, I understand, discussed but decided against because Dunn is where it has been.

    It’s worth noting, I think, that the initial indult and expansion of it were
    coincident with of a lot of obedience to duly appointed authorities, to following a code of conduct that Fr Z has outlined as the Five Rules, and to a lot of prayer. We have had our share of difficulties, but no real problems, at least from the perspective of this parishoner.

    On the subject of your other questions, I would not care to speculate. I have discovered, however, that when we pray for our priests sometimes the opinions we thought they have either change or turn out not to be so.

  15. danphunter1 says:

    Simon Peter Vickers Buckley,
    My wife and I assisted at that mass, she met that priest who you think is Father Smith.
    She informs me that he is not Father Smith. He in fact has a different name, she just cannot remember it right at present.
    Also are you sure that parishioners at St Josephs have requested the Classical Rite Mass of Monsignor Williams?
    I called the office at St Josephs and the secretary is not aware of this.
    Is St Josephs building a new church ,because the one they have is downright ugly.
    Thank you and God bless you.

  16. This is good news, considering how close he is to Bishop Jugis in the
    Charlotte Diocese… who has still to date remained suspiciously silent.
    The only thing coming out of that chancery are a bunch of canned emails
    and vague replies when you call. It’s frustrating to say the least.

  17. No statement will be coming from Bishop Jugis on the Summorum. I have confirmed
    this in a phone conversation with the Director of Diocese Communications, David Hains.


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