Excellent Eucharistic Procession … is there any other kind?

Our friend Diogenes deserves a tip of the Z biretta    o{]:¬)   for alerting us all to this nice collection of photos of a Eucharistic procession at Notre Dame.

Anecdote:  One day in May I was hanging around outside the Paul VI audience hall (Vatican) during a plenary of the Italian Bishops Conference waiting for my bishop to emerge, chating with fellow journalists and the bishops’ drivers and secretaries a couple bishops who had simply fled the hall in desparate boredom.  I had just been to a Eucharistic procession the day before held by the Teutonic College that went through the Vatican gardens, Swiss Guards carrying the canopy, … stunning.  Deep in his chest this one old bishop rumbled "Meno chiacchiere – più processioni. … Less jabbering – more processions." 

Pretty much says it all.   This could be another WDTPRS motto. Liturgy really becomes the "tip of the spear", as I call it, when you take the Blessed Sacrament into the streets.

I digress… check out  Na Zdrowie! The Kloska Family Blog.

How about you WDTPRSers go visit and make their stats spike in a way they have never seen!

Here are a couple samples.






About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Michael C. says:

    What you say about processions is true. I know there’s a Eucharistic procession through the streets of Quebec planned for the Eucharistic Congress. I was surprised, since the mere concept of a procession in public is so triumphalist. But I’m not sure how traditional it will be, seeing as how there’s an “agape meal” scheduled for the night before. I shudder to think what it might turn into it Marini gets his hands on it.

  2. Michelle says:

    A beautiful Eucharistic procession can also be found on the campus of Orchard Lake, St. Mary’s College, MI. Their recent Divine Mercy Celebration with Holy Mass and Procession was very well done. Our children love attending this every year and our preschoolers especially like to see “Jesus with his canopy.” Very teachable moments for kids!

  3. Many thanks to Fr. Z for the anecdote and the photo of the Blessed Sacrament being carried in procession with the Swiss guard in attendance.

    I’ve left this comment on the Kloska family blog. I want to say it again here.

    As long as Christ in the Eucharistic species is adored and glorified, all will be well.

  4. Richard says:


    But some Eucharistic processions are depressing; I was at one in France recently where I was the ONLY person, out of several hundred, to kneel.

  5. Judy says:

    My husband (ND’72) and I attended the Eucharistic Procession at ND on Sunday and it was magnificent. The procession stopped at 4 altars that had been set up at the Sacred Heart statue, the Statue of Our Lady of Notre Dame, at the statue of Fr. Sorin and then on the porch of the Administration building, under Our Lady on the Golden Dome. There were many students and area families present as well as the Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta. This is the 4th year for the procession, which is part of the earlier tradition of the University. The procession is set for the last Sunday of April 2009, so anyone within driving distance of the University should plan to come!

  6. jacobus says:


    Unfortunately that can be the case. But after 40 years in the desert, even people who would kneel just don’t know any better. I witnessed a Corpus Christi procession in a small Italian town once with a bunch of other young Catholics (the type who have been shielded from tradition by their elders, but still wanted to be as Catholic as possible), and we sure as heck didn’t know to kneel. I know better now.

    We have lost much, but it’s starting to come back.

  7. Christopher Milton says:

    I love the looks on the faces of the three guys on the bench….


  8. David Andrew says:

    It’s worth a quick trip over to our friend Diogenes’ blog “Off The Record,” to see a picture that’s in stark contrast to the three boys on the bench. It’s a pic of two guys in the distance who clearly got off of their bikes, put down whatever they were doing and went down on both knees.

    Diogenes adds his own commentary on it.

  9. gsk says:

    “Is there any other kind?”

    Um, well, how about the ones where one fellow with the canopy just can’t see for blazes that his pole is 8-12″ higher than the other three fellows? Highly distracting (even without OCD) and there’s no way to nudge him for a fix.

    Yes, yes, yes, God in our midst, et al. Call me fussy…

    Seriously, though, praise God for devotions returning in any serious form!

  10. Le Renard says:

    I didn’t even know Notre Dame is still CATHOLIC!?

  11. I will visit the link you posted and link to your post in my forum so others can visit the link. Also I would like to share some pictures of one of the Eucharistic Processions we had at our parish last year. Scroll past the baptism photos.

    Processions are frequent in our parish.
    Feast of Corpus Christi

  12. Maureen says:

    When you think about it, it’s very weird that eucharistic processions ever went out of fashion. They disappeared at exactly the same time that public demonstrations and protest parades got big!

    We have at least as much right to take it to the streets as any giant puppet on stilts does.

  13. Jay says:

    Traditionally, in Europe (Poland in particular) Eucharistic Procession through the street of the towns always took place on the Feast of Corpus Christi. It was MUST. There are some vintage photos available on the net taken during Corpus Christi processions. They might return some day. In London, during the month of October, the Rosary Crusade is usually organised on one Saturday with the Blessed Sacrament in procession from Westminster Cathedral to London Oratory.

  14. TJM says:

    As a Notre Dame, alum, I am very proud of these young students and priests who are promoting
    Eucharistic Processions and the TLM at the University. I hope they are praying for the higher
    ups there who think they are being “with it” or “avant garde” by allowing bilge like the Vagina Monologues to play on campus. Tom

  15. Coletta says:

    You have likely already seen this, but here is a video with/about Eucharistic Processions.
    Done by Grassroots for the Diocese of New York. Father Benedict Groeschel and others are in it. I had just posted it when I looked at your post,Father! I would guess that Jesus is asking for more processions!


  16. Mary says:

    We have had a Eucharistic procession for Corpus Christi here in Sault Ste. Marie, MI for the past few years. We include all the priests and decons in the area and process from Holy Name of Mary Church to St Joseph’s Church. We are accompanied by the choir. It has been a blessing to the whole community.

  17. Drew says:

    Two summers ago, I went to Cuernavaca, Mexico to study Spanish. One day I walked around the corner of a building to stop by the Cathedral and a Eucharistic procession was just exiting the court yard onto the street. They went all the way around the cathedral block and back inside for adoration. During their Eucharistic week, they do a procession every evening and have adoration from the last mass each night until the first mass the next morning. It was very beautiful to see people in shops and on the streets kneel or sign themselves as the Eucharist passed by.

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