Wherein Google confers a new ecclesiastical title upon His Eminence

Pewsitter can be useful in finding, quickly, what’s going on.  One of my gripes, however, is that they link to googly-translated pages.  Grrr.

Today, however, that produced an amusing moment.

They linked to an interview in German with Walter Card. Kasper for the occasion of his 60th anniversary of ordination.   This is how the googly-translated page came up for me:


Walter Kasper, courtesan cardinal!

The headline in German (original HERE):

Ich war immer gern Priester”  [I’ve always been glad to be a priest.]
Vor seinem 60-jährigen Priesterjubiläum hat katholisch.de mit dem emeritierten Kurienkardinal Walter Kasper gesprochen. Im Interview gab der 83-Jährige auch Einblicke in Privates.

If could have been worse, I suppose, given that last part.   But then Fishwrap, Pill and Jesuits would liked it even more.

Walter Kasper, courtesan cardinal!   Perhaps this is Google’s Freudian-cyber slip, given that His Eminence’s desire that those who are living in a impenitent state of adultery should be given Holy Communion?

In any event, this is just a light moment and there is no need to get too serious with this post.

Google Translate!  Hours of linguist fun!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. VexillaRegis says:

    And he had thought someone would take him in his arms – that sounds quite normal for courtesans, n’est pas? (In German he said that he thought someone was trying to fool him.)

  2. IloveJesus says:

    Too funny!

    This is a great comedy video on a long distance romance using Google Translate:


    (Mormons can be funny. Who knew right? :) )

  3. Joe in Canada says:

    I suspect the “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” Jesuits love you too, Father!

    [I am much relieved!]

  4. mburn16 says:

    Interestingly, typing “kurienkardinal” into google translator characterizes His Eminence as a “cardiac Cardinal”

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