Your Good News

Do you have good news for the elevation and edification of the readership?  Let us know.

Here’s a piece of good news.

I had an email from the head of the Latin Liturgy Association in these USA.  He sent me to a PDF of their recent newsletter, which I read with attention.

There’s a lot of good news in it.

Even though we are “connected” by the interwebs, etc., … are we?   It seems to me that the sort of connections we can make today can also be alienating and atomizing.  Hence, it was good to look over the newsletter from the LLA (which I haven’t seen for a long time – I would not be displeased to receive a hard copy).   There are a lot of good things going on out there.  When they are gathered together into one place, the impact is strong.

BTW… I noted the name of someone from my past life when I was studying Latin in Rome with Fr. Foster: NS of ND.  If you see this, drop me a line.

That’s what I try to do with “Your Good News” and “Your Sunday Sermon Notes” posts.

At the end of the newsletter, I saw a prayer:

Orátio pro Missa Latíne Celebránda

O mundi Regnátor, qui te omni lingua hóminum angelorúmque laudári voluísti; tríbue, qu?sumus, ut étiam in diébus nostris, sacrifícium dilécti Fílii tui immaculátum assídue lingua Romána in oratóriis gentis nostrae omniúmque permúltis tibi offerátur a pópulo ad te toto corde convérso: per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

Cum licéntia Ordinárii, Baton Rouge, LA August 8, 1994

Prayer for the Celebration of the Mass in Latin

O Sovereign of the world, who have willed that you be praised in every language of men and of angels; grant we beseech you, that now too in our days, the unblemished sacrifice of your beloved Son may be incessantly offered to you in the language of the Romans in many churches of our land and of every land by a people turned to you with all their heart. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Archlaic says:

    I’d like to thank everyone who responded to my appeal for prayers (requested via this medium a while back)… after ten months of unemployment I landed a short-term contract position which will keep the proverbial wolf from the door and hopefully lay the groundwork for a permanent position.

    Fr. Z's Gold Star Award

  2. iPadre says:

    I have my first Rorate Mass this Saturday

    We’ve come a long way since starting the TLM at my parish.

    Fr. Z's Gold Star Award

  3. Ylonila del Mar says:

    Apart from the Congregation for the Clergy having begun the process of viewing our case, our appeal has made its way to a nationally-circulated newspaper! Please do keep us in your prayers. My Archdiocese is a mess (negative clericalism, modernism, sodomite seminarians) and our detractors and the local media have been constantly maligning us.

    [Gosh. That’s…. great news…. I think.]

  4. majuscule says:

    I was able to take an old Missae Defunctorum belonging to a priest to a book binder for repair yesterday. (I had offered to do it several years ago but procrastination could be my middle name.)

    It was a beautuful hour-and-a-half drive into the Big City. What amazing clear weather. What views of God’s creation I had coming out of the mountains!

    On the way home I happened to remember a noon TLM at a church only a little off my route, so I detoured and also got to go to Mass!

    The priest the missal belongs to used to offer a private TLM several times a week in my parish that I was blessed to be able to attend. He is studying in Rome now, so no more local TLMs.

    I feel blessed to have been rewarded by getting to Mass even after procrastinating so long in taking the book to be repaired.

  5. Joe in Canada says:

    we had an extra 15 (25%) at our campus Mass on Sunday. Almost all of them asked the priest about the possibility of Confession. Mind you, exams start this week….

  6. BillG says:
    One correction, Father. The note to you regarding the LLA Newsletter was from me, its Editor. The real work is done by the head of the organization, Regina Morris, who compiles all this so that it is “gathered together in one place.” As a fan of yours since you were eviscerating the old ICEL translations in the Wanderer, I will happily send you hardcopy. God bless your efforts on our behalf,

  7. bernadette says:

    This coming Saturday, Dec. 9, California will be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. My parish, SS. Peter and Paul in Wilmington will offer Mass in the Extraordinary Form at 12 Noon. After Mass we will process to the ocean to pray the Rosary.

  8. jmaryb says:

    I was able to slip out of the office for an hour and visit the new Museum of the Bible. It was nice to see that the very first exhibit one encounters is from the Vatican Library! I saw one or two other exhibits, but I need to devote at least a half day in the future to exploring the whole place. I recommend it for anyone visiting our nation’s capitol.

  9. bernadette says:

    Need to make a correction for the Consecration of California to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Because of a scheduling conflict there will be no Tridentine Mass at noon on Dec. 9 at SS. Peter and Paul in Wilmington. The Consecration will take place at 1:30 with a bilingual (Spanish/English) Novus Ordo Mass.

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