Washington DC – Wed 6 Dec – Free @ActonInstitute conference – live stream

I received this from a nice people at ACTON INSTITUTE:

We have a free conference event coming up in Washington, D.C. this Wednesday. Father Sirico will be speaking at it, as well as Dr. Sam Gregg.  HERE

[The topic is Reclaiming the West: Public Spirit and Public Virtue – it looks like a great opportunity]

I don’t know how much of your blog readership is based on the East Coast, but I thought if you were amenable, you might mention it on your blog or Twitter? We’re always happy to pick up any last minute registrants and it is shaping up to be a wonderful event. And for those who can’t attend but would like to watch it, we will be livestreaming the event beginning at 9 a.m. on Wed at this link:https://acton.org/live


This is another bit of ACTON news from one of my friends:

This is the event we did in Rome at the Greg last week. It was standing room only. The biggest conference ever done at the Gregorian.


I suspect MSW will be deeply disturbed by this development. Deeply disturbed.

That conference in Rome was: Globalization, Justice, and the Economy: The Jesuit Contribution

The conference aims to pay tribute to early and late modern scholasticism, specifically the Jesuit contributions, to the development of modern market economies.

While the modern economy is often identified with Adam Smith, many of the key ideas about basic institutions of the free economy were first identified and developed by Jesuit scholastic thinkers such as Cardinal Juan de Lugo, Leonardo Lessio, Juan de Mariana, and Luis de Molina. In his monumental History of Economic Analysis, Joseph Schumpeter even described these scholastics as the founders of modern economic science.

This conference will explore the contributions to such thinkers to the development of arguments about, among other things, free trade, price-theory, the charging of interest, and the state’s role in the economy.

I heard from my spies that it was marvelous.

MSW (aka the Wile E. Coyote of the catholic Left) of the Fishwrap really hates ACTON INSTITUTE and nearly swoons when it’s name is mentioned.  Hence, it is a good thing and to be supported.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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