Many thanks to "F and the wild bunch" for my spiffy new copy of the little collection of essay on the reform of liturgy by Klaus Gamber entitled The Modern Rite. I am grateful for the thought and the gift.
The delivery of this book to "my Sabine Farm", where I am just at this moment happily returned with shouts of exsultation, was facilitated by (perhaps even through my link on this blog).
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the lawn is getting a good mow. There is baseball on the box, the grill is is waiting for this evening’s T-bone and the corkscrew or, in Latin, extraculum, is arrayed in pointy anticipation for the opening of a very good bottle from the cellar.
I will be enjoying a few days of this rural splendor before returning over the pond to THE CITY.
This is good.
Father Z
Amazon folks must be scratching their heads wondering if they might have a bestseller on their hands. Just received my copy of Msgr. Gamber’s book. from Amazon.
My wife and I met you after Mass on Holy Thursday along with V.S..
I made the Remnabt Radio “slip”
Great minds think alike!
Father, you should have someone in Rome, like Arinze, comment on how Mass is said at your parish. I suspect if you were to let Rome know of how you say the Novus Ordo (and they saw the pictures), they would hold up your church as prime example of how things *should* be done as *intended* by Vatican II !!
I do know one Cardinal who thought that St. Agnes was pretty spiffy, but he has a new job now.