In the 2002 Missale Romanum there is a Mass Pro christianis persecutione vexatis… For Christians harassed with persecution. Given the manifold liberties we enjoy in the United States, I thought it good to share this prayer with you.
Deus, qui inscrutabili providentia
passionibus Filii tui vis Ecclesiam sociari,
praesta fidelibus tuis,
in tribulatione propter nomen tuum versantibus,
spiritum patientiae et caritatis,
ut promissionum tuarum
fidi inveniantur testes atque veraces.
O God, who with inscrutable providence
desire the Church to be united to the sufferings of Your Son,
grant a spirit of endurance and of charity to Your faithful
experiencing tribulations on account of Your Name,
so that they may be found to be the true and faithful witnesses
of Your promises.
It is very interesting that this prayer does not ask God to cause the persecution to cease.
Indeed, it refers to God desiring that the Church also experience sufferings in union with the Cross.