Daily Archives: 9 July 2006

Today’s 2nd reading through Augustine’s lens

The second reading for Holy Mass today, Sunday, is from 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10.   We hear about Paul who was tormented by the Devil with God’s permission and given his proverbial “thorn in the flesh”.   This was to bring Paul … Read More

Posted in Patristiblogging, SESSIUNCULA |

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time: POST COMMUNION

When I hear a phrase like ut numquam cessemus a laude tua, which is a result (ut with the subjunctive), my mind quickly sorts through the reasons for the result. We have just been given a share and foretaste of the heavenly life being extended to us by God. A gift as great as that, the bread of angels become the our spiritual and even physical nourishment, undeserved as it is on our part, demands from us who receive it a response that encompasses our whole person, body and soul. In heaven, certainly, we will “never cease or leave off from the praise” of God, whom we shall see face to face. But we are not in heaven now. We are still here on earth. Holy Communion requires a response of praise here and now. How can we praise God in response to the divine gifts He gives us? As the priest would quote (cf. Ps 116) before his own Communion at Mass, “What shall I give back to the Lord for all the things He gives to me?” We must praise Him. And not in words or thoughts only, but also in outward, concrete deeds as well, even if, especially when, it also means taking up the chalice He offers daily. Read More